Academic Catalog

Cerritos Online

Mission of Distance Education at Cerritos College

The Distance Education program supports dynamic, equity-minded distance learning opportunities at Cerritos College. Our goal is to support students, faculty, and administration in the effective use of pedagogical technology in all modalities to lower barriers and increase retention and success. The program supports the overall mission and vision of Cerritos College by drawing on criteria included in Title 5, Section 508, the CVC-OEI and Peralta equity rubrics, and Universal Design for Learning. The DE program is committed to providing training, time, patience, collaboration, and continuous support to all campus constituencies.

Distance Education Modalities

Cerritos Online offers a variety of distance education modalities. Check the class schedule notes to detailed information on the modality of a specific section of a course, the technology requirements, and any required meetings.

  • Online: Fully online asynchronous with no required meetings
  • Remote: Online synchronous classes with set meeting times where classes meet via zoom.
  • Hybrid: A combination of online asynchronous and in-person on campus meetings
  • Online with activities: Online asynchronous class with set activities required on campus or via zoom
  • Hyflex: In-person and remote option for enrolled students to attend on campus or via zoom

Support for Distance Education Students

Cerritos Online is committed to provide students with excellent online support services to help guide students in every step of the way from the start of your college experience all the way to the completion of your goals. Cerritos Online is open to all students in the state of California. For more information, go to and search for Cerritos Online.

Degrees & Certificates Offered Online

Accounting & Finance
Professional Accounting AA
Professional Accounting Certificate
Vocational Accounting AA
Vocational Accounting Certificate

Administration of Justice
Administration of Justice AD-T
Administration of Justice AA

Architecture Computer-Aided Drafting & Design Certificate
Architectural Practice Certificate
Architectural Technology Certificate
Architectural Drafting and Design Certificate

Black/Africana Studies
Social Justice Studies: Africana Studies AA-T Degree
Social Justice Studies: Black/Africana Studies AA Degree

Business Administration
Business Administration AS-T Degree
Business Administration AA Degree
Business Administration Certificate

Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing Certificate

Commercial Music
Commercial Music AA Degree

Communication Studies
Communication Studies AA-T Degree
Communication Studies Certificate

Cyber Security
Cyber Security AS Degree
Cyber Security Certificate

Economics AA-T Degree
Economics AA Degree

Education Technology
Educational Technology Certificate

English AA-T 
Creative Writer’s Studio Certificate

Engineering Design Technology
Engineering Design Technology

Network Systems Administration
Network/Systems Administration AA Degree
Network/Systems Administration Certificate

Psychology AA-T Degree
Mental Health AA Degree
Mental Health Worker Certificate

Real Estate
Real Estate AA Degree
Real Estate Certificate
California Real Estate Certificate: State Requirements

Spanish AD-T Degree

Sociology AA-T Degree

Visual & Cultural Studies
Visual and Cultural Studies AA Degree

Women & Gender Studies
LGBTQ Studies AA-T Degree
LGBT Studies Certificate
Women and Gender Studies AA Degree

Courses Offered Online1

Code Number Course Title Credits
AB 80Autobody Customer Service2.0
AB 86Production Management2.0
AB 151Non-Structural Repair4.5
AB 152Structural Damage Repair4.5
AB 153Steering, Suspension and Powertrain Damage4.5
AB 154Advanced-Design Panel Repair4.5
AB 155Structural Panel Replacement4.5
AB 156Non-Structural Automotive Welding2.0
AB 157Structural Automotive Welding2.0
AB 161Preparation and Spot Refinishing3.0
AB 162Overall And Multi-Coat Refinishing4.5
AB 163Production Refinishing4.5
AB 164Automotive Air Brush Painting2.5
AB 165Mix and Adjusting Color2.0
AB 166Lettering, Striping and Design2.5
AB 181Non-Structural Damage Estimating3.0
AB 182Structural Damage Estimating3.0
AB 183PComputerized Damage Estimating - Pathways1.5
AB 183UComputerized Damage Estimating-Ultramate1.5
AB 282Steering, Suspension and Powertrain Analysis for Estimators1.0
AB 283Advanced-Frame Analysis for Estimators1.0
AB 287Advanced Collision Repair Management2.0
ACCT 51Volunteer Income Tax Accounting1.5
ACCT 60Quickbooks Accounting1.5
ACCT 61Turbo Tax Accounting1.5
ACCT 100Introduction to Accounting3.0
ACCT 101Fundamentals of Accounting I3.5
ACCT 102Fundamentals of Accounting II3.5
ACCT 130Payroll Tax Accounting3.0
ACCT 131Computerized Accounting - IBM3.0
ACCT 133Spreadsheet Accounting I3.0
ACCT 160Accounting for QuickBooks for Certification3.0
ACCT 201Intermediate Accounting I3.5
ACCT 202Intermediate Accounting II3.5
ACCT 220Accounting Ethics4.0
ACCT 240Cost Accounting3.5
ACCT 250Income Tax Accounting3.0
ACCT 251Advanced Income Tax Accounting3.0
ACCT 260Governmental and Not-For-Profit Accounting4.0
ACCT 270Fundamentals Of Auditing3.0
ACCT 280Advanced Accounting3.0
Access Learning
ACLR 93Communication Skills Building for Students with Disabilities1.0
ACLR 101Increasing Your Access Potential2.0
ACLR 102Increasing Your Workforce Potential2.0
Assocate Degree in Nursing
ADN 200APharmacology 11.0
ADN 200BPharmacology 21.0
ADN 200CPharmacology 31.0
ADN 210Foundational Concepts of Nursing5.0
ADN 215Healthcare Participant3.0
ADN 220Nursing Health and Illness Concepts 15.0
ADN 225Maternal Newborn Health Concepts3.0
ADN 230Nursing Health and Illness Concepts 24.5
ADN 235Mental Health Concepts3.5
ADN 240Nursing Health and Illness Concepts 34.5
ADN 245Nursing Health and Illness Concepts 44.5
Adult Education (Noncredit)
AED 22.06Career Skills0.0
AED 36.06Occupational Training0.0
AED 42.03AESL Conversation A0.0
AED 42.10Spanish Ged Test Prep-A0.0
AED 42.11Spanish Ged Test Prep-B0.0
AED 42.12GED Preparation-A0.0
AED 42.13Ged Preparation-B0.0
AED 42.14Low Beginning English as a Second Language0.0
AED 42.15High Beginning English as a Second Language0.0
AED 42.16Low Intermediate English as a Second Language0.0
AED 42.17High Intermediate English as a Second Language0.0
AED 42.18Low Advanced English as a Second Language0.0
AED 42.19ESL Grammar, Reading, and Writing0.0
AED 42.20Literacy Skills for General Education Development (GED) Success0.0
AED 42.21Spanish Literacy Skills for General Education Development (GED) Success0.0
AED 42.22Supplemental General Education Development (GED) Math0.0
AED 42.23Spanish Supplemental General Education Development (GED) Math0.0
AED 42.98College Writing Support0.0
AED 48.01Vocational English for Work0.0
AED 48.03Creative Writing For Seniors0.0
AED 48.05College English Skills0.0
AED 49.01Preparatory Math0.0
AED 49.02Vocational English as a Second Language0.0
AED 60.01Citizenship I0.0
AED 90.01Introduction to Energy Surveying0.0
AED 90.05OSHA-10 Training0.0
AED 90.06Math Support: Statistics0.0
AED 90.07Math Support: College Algebra0.0
AED 90.37Launching a Small Business0.0
AED 90.37SLaunching a Small Business (Spanish)0.0
AED 90.39Social Media for Small Business Owners0.0
AED 90.39SSocial Media for Small Business Owners (Spanish)0.0
AED 90.41Introduction to Small Business Finances0.0
AED 90.41SIntroduction to Small Business Finances (Spanish)0.0
AED 90.43Growing a Small Business0.0
AED 90.43SGrowing a Small Business (Spanish)0.0
Africana Studies
AFRS 100Introduction to Black/Africana Studies3.0
AFRS 101Theories and Methods in Black/Africana Studies3.0
AFRS 103The History of the Black World: From Ancient Africa to 18653.0
AFRS 107Black Womanist & Feminist Thought3.0
AFRS 108Black Politics: Social and Racial Justice Movements3.0
Administration of Justice
AJ 101Introduction to Administration of Justice3.0
AJ 102Concepts of Criminal Law3.0
AJ 103Criminal Procedures3.0
AJ 104Criminal Evidence3.0
AJ 105Community Relations and Cultural Awareness3.0
AJ 107Introduction to Corrections, Probation and Parole3.0
AJ 110Patrol Procedures and Enforcement Tactics3.0
AJ 113Report Writing Procedures3.0
AJ 202Substantive Law3.0
AJ 208Special Issues in Law Enforcement3.0
AJ 220Criminal Investigation3.0
AJ 221Narcotics and Vice Control3.0
AJ 222Juvenile Procedures3.0
American Sign Language
ASL 110American Sign Language I4.0
ASL 111American Sign Language II4.0
ASL 210American Sign Language III4.0
ASL 211American Sign Language IV4.0
ASL 215Beginning Interpreting and Ethics 13.0
ASL 216Beginning Interpreting and Ethics 23.0
ASL 220Deaf Culture3.0
ANTH 100Cultural Anthropology3.0
ANTH 110Introduction to Forensic Anthropology3.0
ANTH 115Physical Anthropology3.0
ANTH 205The Anthropology of Sexuality and Gender3.0
ARCH 110Introduction to Architecture and Environmental Design3.0
ARCH 111Architectural Drafting and Design I3.0
ARCH 112History of Architecture3.0
ARCH 113Building Codes4.0
ARCH 114Green Architecture and LEED3.0
ARCH 121Architectural Drafting and Design II3.0
ARCH 122Architectural Delineation2.0
ARCH 123Introduction to 2D Computer Aided Drafting4.0
ARCH 212Architectural Design Theory I3.0
ARCH 213Introduction to 3-D Computer Aided Drafting4.0
ARCH 221AutoCAD Architecture4.0
ARCH 222Architectural Design Theory II3.0
ARCH 223Revit Architecture4.0
ART 100Introduction to World Art3.0
ART 101Art History I: Prehistory to Gothic3.0
ART 102Art History II: Renaissance to Rococo3.0
ART 103Art History III: Neoclassical to Present3.0
ART 104African Art History3.0
ART 105AThe Arts of Latin America and the Caribbean: Pre-Columbian3.0
ART 105BThe Arts of Latin America and the Caribbean: Colonial to the Present3.0
ART 107Asian Art History3.0
ART 108Black Images in Popular Culture3.0
ART 109Gender and Sexuality In Art3.0
ART 110Freehand Drawing3.0
ART 112Life Drawing3.0
ART 113Art, Science, and Technology3.0
ART 114Storyboarding and Animation Principles for Film3.0
ART 115LPrintmaking Lab1.0
ART 116Beginning Printmaking3.0
ART 117Intermediate Printmaking3.0
ART 118History of Women in Visual Arts3.0
ART 119AIntroduction to Museum Studies3.0
ART 120Two-Dimensional Design3.0
ART 122Color Theory3.0
ART 124Introduction to Media Studies3.0
ART 125Introduction to Visual and Cultural Studies3.0
ART 126History of Furniture Design3.0
ART 130AFundamentals of Painting3.0
ART 130BFundamentals Of Painting3.0
ART 136Painting For Art Majors3.0
ART 182ALettering and Typography3.0
ART 184Graphic Design I3.0
ART 186Computer Graphics with Adobe Illustrator3.0
ART 188Design for Digital Publishing3.0
ART 191A3d Computer Animation3.0
ART 191B3D Computer Animation Project3.0
ART 192Photoshop/Digital Imaging3.0
ART 192BAdvanced Photoshop3.0
ART 193Motion Picture Editing3.0
ART 194AAdvanced Motion Picture Editing3.0
ART 1953D Modeling for Animation3.0
ART 195BAdvanced 3D Modeling3.0
ART 196Web Design with Flash and Dreamweaver3.0
ART 198Motion Graphics and Post-Production Effects3.0
ART 200Special Topics in Visual and Cultural Studies3.0
ART 207Women and Media3.0
ART 213Intermediate Life Drawing3.0
ART 214Special Studies In Life Drawing3.0
ART 217LAdvanced Screenprinting/Advanced Etching Lab1.0
ART 218Screenprinting3.0
ART 219Advanced Etching3.0
ART 231Intermediate Painting3.0
ASTR 102Introductory Astronomy: Stars and the Universe3.0
ASTR 103Introductory Astronomy: The Solar System3.0
ASTR 104Life in the Universe3.0
ASTR 105LObservational Astronomy1.0
ASTR 106History of Astronomy3.0
AUTO 103Introduction to High Voltage Vehicles3.0
AUTO 110Automotive Engines5.0
AUTO 190Automotive Management3.0
AUTO 200General Motors Fundamentals3.0
AUTO 201General Motors Engine Repair3.0
AUTO 202General Motors Automatic Transaxle/Transmission3.0
AUTO 203General Motors Manual Drivetrain and Axle3.0
AUTO 204General Motors Suspension and Steering Systems3.0
AUTO 205General Motors Braking Systems3.0
AUTO 206General Motors Electrical Systems 13.0
AUTO 207General Motors HVAC Systems3.0
AUTO 208General Motors Engine Performance 13.0
AUTO 209General Motors Diesel Technology3.0
AUTO 216General Motors Electrical Systems 23.0
AUTO 218General Motors Engine Performance 23.0
AUTO 226General Motors Electrical Systems 33.0
Business Administration
BA 100Fundamentals of Business3.0
BA 101International Business3.0
BA 104Managing Cultural Diversity3.0
BA 106Human Resource Management3.0
BA 107Human Relations In Business3.0
BA 108Labor Management Relations3.0
BA 109Human Resource Development3.0
BA 110Advertising3.0
BA 113Legal Environment of Business3.0
BA 114Marketing3.0
BA 115Management-Business3.0
BA 116Managing Green: Sustainability and Innovation3.0
BA 117Introduction To Supervision3.0
BA 118Retail Management3.0
BA 120Management-Accounting and Internal Control3.0
BA 121Sales3.0
BA 123Fundamentals Of Retailing3.0
BA 124Fundamentals of Training3.0
BA 125Designing, Developing, and Delivering Effective Training Programs3.0
BA 126E-learning3.0
BA 132Computer Applications for Managers3.0
BA 152Fundamentals of Importing and Exporting3.0
BA 153Introduction to Entrepreneurship3.0
BA 155Introduction to Global Logistics3.0
BA 156Motivational Presentation Skills for Managers3.0
BA 157Principles of Public Relations3.0
BA 204Project Management3.0
BA 205Organizational Leadership3.0
BA 208Leadership for Women in Business3.0
BA 210Entrepreneurship and Innovation3.0
BA 233Apple APP Design and Development for Entrepreneurs3.0
Business Communication Office Technology
BCOT 60Customer Service1.0
BCOT 62Keyboarding for the Digital Age1.0
BCOT 71Medical Administrative Office Procedures3.5
BCOT 96Microsoft PowerPoint1.5
BCOT 97Microsoft Outlook1.5
BCOT 112Microsoft Word3.5
BCOT 113Microsoft Excel3.5
BCOT 114Introduction to Microsoft Office3.5
BCOT 118Microsoft Access for Office Technology1.5
BCOT 131College Keyboarding & Document Processing3.5
BCOT 146Business English for the Digital Workplace3.0
BCOT 148Effective Business Presentations3.0
BCOT 150International Business Communication3.0
BCOT 152Employment Search in the Job Market1.5
BCOT 155Administrative Secretarial Procedures3.5
BCOT 161Filing/Records Management1.0
BCOT 162Business Document Proofreading and Editing Skills3.0
BCOT 247Managerial Business Communications3.0
BCOT 248Professional Soft Skills for the Workplace3.0
BIOL 200Principles of Biology5.0
BIOL 201Principles of Biology5.0
Culinary Arts
CA 55Fundamentals of Responsible Alcohol Service1.0
CA 101Introduction to Food Service, Safety, and Sanitation2.0
CA 120Introduction to the Hospitality Industry3.0
CA 230Professional Healthy Cooking3.0
CA 240Human Relations in Hospitality3.0
CA 260Foods Purchase and Control3.0
CA 265Food, Beverage, and Labor Cost Control3.0
CA 270Hospitality Law3.0
Child Development
CD 110Child Development3.0
CD 124Teaching in a Diverse Society3.0
CD 139Observation, Assessment, and Positive Guidance of Childhood Behavior3.0
Child Development Early Childhood
CDEC 62Exploring Creative Art Expression by Children3.0
CDEC 63Early Childhood Experiences in Language Arts and Social Sciences3.0
CDEC 65Music and Movement for Children3.0
CDEC 111Principles and Practices in Early Childhood Education3.0
CDEC 112Introduction to Curriculum3.0
CDEC 113The Child, Family, and Community3.0
CDEC 133Early Childhood Experiences in Mathematics and Science3.0
CDEC 161Health, Safety, and Nutrition3.0
CDEC 164Practicum Field Experience3.0
CDEC 166Administration I: Programs in Early Childhood Education3.0
CDEC 167Administration II: Personnel and Leadership in Early Childhood Education3.0
CDEC 230Adult Supervision and Mentoring in Early Care and Education3.0
Child Development Infant Toddler
CDIT 151Infant and Toddler Development3.0
CDIT 152Care and Education for Infants and Toddlers3.0
Chld Development Special Education
CDSE 150Introduction to Children with Special Needs3.0
CDSE 152Curriculum and Strategies for Children with Special Needs3.0
CHEM 100Introductory Chemistry4.0
CHEM 110Elementary Chemistry4.0
CHEM 111General Chemistry5.0
CHEM 112General Chemistry5.0
CHEM 211Organic Chemistry5.0
CHEM 212Organic Chemistry5.0
CHEM 250LSpecial Topics In Chemistry1.0
CHIN 101Elementary Chinese I5.0
CHIN 102Elementary Chinese II5.0
CHIN 103Introduction to Business Chinese3.0
CHIN 201Intermediate Chinese I5.0
CHIN 202Intermediate Chinese II5.0
CHIN 260Chinese Culture and Society3.0
Computer & Information Science
CIS 58APC Operating System A+ Certification3.5
CIS 58BPC Core Hardware A+ Certification3.5
CIS 101Introduction to Computer Information Systems3.0
CIS 102Introduction To Microcomputer Hardware and Applications Software3.5
CIS 103Computer Programming Logic3.5
CIS 151Microsoft Excel for Information Systems/Information Technology3.5
CIS 155Microsoft Access3.5
CIS 160Web Page Development3.5
CIS 162HTML and CSS3.5
CIS 164JavaScript Programming3.5
CIS 170ANetworking Fundamentals3.5
CIS 170BNetwork + Certification3.5
CIS 170ERouter Configurations and Protocol3.5
CIS 170FAdvanced Switching and Routing3.5
CIS 170GWide Area Networks3.5
CIS 170HTCP/IP Fundamentals3.0
CIS 170ICisco Network Security3.5
CIS 170KIntroduction to Wireless Networking3.0
CIS 170LCybersecurity Fundamentals3.5
CIS 170PIntroduction to Ethical Hacking3.5
CIS 170RComputer and Digital Forensics3.5
CIS 171AIntroduction to Cloud Computing3.0
CIS 171BAmazon Web Services-Data Storage3.0
CIS 171CAmazon Web Services-Computing Services3.0
CIS 171DAmazon Web Services-Security3.0
CIS 180Programming in C/C++3.5
CIS 181Python Programming3.5
CIS 183Java Programming3.5
CIS 185Discrete Structures3.0
CIS 189CSpecial Topics in Software Development3.0
CIS 200AApple Mac OS Support Essentials3.5
CIS 201Systems Analysis and Design3.0
CIS 207Database Design and SQL3.5
CIS 208AOracle SQL and PL/SQL3.5
CIS 212Introduction to Microsoft Windows Administration3.5
CIS 213FMicrosoft Windows Server Administration3.5
CIS 231Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming3.5
CIS 280XObject-Oriented Programming in C++3.5
CIS 285AASP.Net Programming3.5
CIS 286Software Development with C#3.5
CIS 288Mobile Application Development3.5
Communication Studies
COMM 60Basics of Speech Communication3.0
COMM 100Introduction to Communications Studies3.0
COMM 103Argumentation, Persuasion, and Critical Thinking3.0
COMM 110Intercultural Communication3.0
COMM 115Gender, Communication, and the Digital Revolution3.0
COMM 120Interpersonal Communication3.0
COMM 125Organizational Communication3.0
COMM 130Public Speaking3.0
COMM 132Small Group Communication3.0
COMM 140Oral Interpretation of Literature3.0
COMM 145Storytelling3.0
COMM 148Readers' Theatre3.0
COMM 200Contemporary Communication Topics3.0
COMM 231Forensics Activity 1 (Competitive Speech and Debate)1.0
COMM 232Forensics Activity 2 (Competitive Speech and Debate)2.0
COMM 233Forensics Activity 3 (Competitive Speech and Debate)3.0
COMM 298Communication Studies Directed Studies1.0
COMM 299Communication Studies Directed Studies2.0
COS 100AIntroduction to Hairstyling A2.0
COS 101AIntroduction to Haircutting A2.0
COS 101BIntroduction to Haircutting B2.0
COS 102Health and Safety in the Beauty Industry1.0
COS 103Science in the Beauty Industry1.0
COS 104AAdvanced Hairstyling A2.0
COS 105AAdvanced Haircutting A2.0
COS 106Business in the Beauty Industry1.0
COS 107State Board Preparation-Hairstyling License1.0
COS 108AHaircolor A3.0
COS 109AChemical Texture A3.0
COS 110AMakeup A1.5
COS 111ASkin Care A3.0
COS 112ANail Care A3.0
COS 113AHair Removal A1.5
COS 114State Board Preparation-Cosmetology License1.0
COS 115AIntroduction to Skin Care A2.0
COS 116AIntroduction to Skin Beautification A2.0
COS 117AAdvanced Skin Care A2.0
COS 118AAdvanced Skin Beautification A2.0
COS 119State Board Preparation-Esthetician License1.0
COUN 101AOrientation to college0.5
COUN 101BEducational Planning1.0
COUN 101CNavigating the Transfer Process1.0
COUN 110Career Planning1.0
COUN 150Dynamics of Leadership3.0
COUN 200Success in College and Career3.0
Chicano/a Studies
CS 100Introduction to Ethnic Studies: Chicano/a Studies3.0
CS 101Introduction to Social Justice3.0
CS 108History of Mexican and Latino Americans in the United States3.0
CS 298Directed Studies1.0
CS 299Directed Studies2.0
Dental Assisting
DA 51Applied Dental Science I4.0
DA 52Dental Radiography I2.0
DA 53Introduction to Chairside Assisting3.0
DA 54Introduction to Operatory Procedures4.0
DA 61Applied Dental Science II3.0
DA 62Dental Radiography II3.0
DA 63Advanced Chairside Assisting4.0
DA 64Dental Office Management2.0
DA 75Clinical II Cooperative Office Training5.0
DA 85Orthodontic Assisting Permit Course2.0
DA 86Clinical Experience in a Orthodontic Specialty Practice0.5
DANC 100Dance Appreciation3.0
DANC 101History of Dance3.0
DANC 102Introduction to Adaptive Dance1.0
DANC 103Dance Conditioning and Alignment1.0
DANC 104Cardio Barre Conditioning1.0
DANC 105Introduction to Dance Movement3.0
DANC 130Dance Improvisation2.0
DANC 130ABeginning Choreography2.0
DANC 130BIntermediate Choreography2.0
DANC 131Dance Movement Analysis3.0
DANC 132Dance and Technology3.0
DANC 138Dance Teaching Methods3.0
Dental Hygiene
DH 110Preventive Dentistry I2.0
DH 111Infection Control and Dental Office Emergencies2.0
DH 112Dental Hygiene Radiography2.0
DH 114Dental Hygiene Clinical Sciences I2.0
DH 116Head And Neck Anatomy2.0
DH 119Dental Embryology, Histology, and Anatomy2.0
DH 234Dental Care for the Special Patient2.0
DH 235Dental Hygiene Clinical Sciences III2.0
DH 239Introduction to Dental Biostatistics and Research2.0
DH 248Community Outreach II1.0
ECON 101Economic Issues and Policy3.0
ECON 102Women in the Global Economy3.0
ECON 201MPrinciples of Macroeconomics3.0
ECON 202MPrinciples of Microeconomics3.0
ECON 204Money, Ethics, and Economic Justice3.0
ECON 210Applied Introductory Statistics for Economics4.0
EDEL 100Introduction To Teaching and Learning in Diverse Contemporary Classrooms1.0
EDEL 105Introduction to Teaching1.0
EDEL 200Introduction to the Teaching Profession3.0
EDEL 205Philosophy of Education: Multi-Ethnic Approaches3.0
Education Technology
EDT 50Preparation for Online Learning1.0
EDT 77Using Mind-Mapping Tools in Education2.0
EDT 110Introduction To Educational Technology2.0
EDT 112Creating Virtual Curriculum3.0
EDT 116Information Literacy For Educators3.0
EDT 117Creating Digital Project-Based Curriculum Projects3.0
EDT 122Fundraising/Grant Writing for Educators2.0
EDT 123Internet Tools for Educators2.0
EDT 124Mobile Technology in Education3.0
EDT 125Fundamentals of Online Teaching2.0
EDT 127Fundamentals of Multimedia for Education2.0
EDT 132Using Audio in the Classroom2.0
EDT 133Spreadsheets for Educators3.0
EDT 134Word Processing for Educators3.0
EDT 135Slide Presentation Software For Educators3.0
EDT 136Databases for Educators3.0
EDT 137Creating Educational Media2.0
EDT 139E-Portfolios for Education2.0
EDT 140Exploring Assistive Technology in Education3.0
EDT 141Web Design for Educators2.0
EDT 150Podcasting in Education2.0
EDT 151Online Communication for Educators2.0
EDT 160Using Artificial Intelligence in The Educational Environment3.0
EDT 170Using A CMS/LMS For Education2.0
ENGL 100Freshman Composition4.0
ENGL 100SEnhanced Freshman Composition4.5
ENGL 102Introduction to Literature3.0
ENGL 103Critical Thinking and Argumentative Writing4.0
ENGL 106Introduction to Linguistics3.0
ENGL 107Vocabulary Building3.0
ENGL 110Critical Thinking Through Literature4.0
ENGL 155Technical Writing3.0
ENGL 221ALiterature in the Bible: Hebrew Scriptures3.0
ENGL 221BLiterature in the Bible: Christian Scriptures3.0
ENGL 222Children's Literature3.0
ENGL 223Chicana/Chicano Literature3.0
ENGL 224Native American Literature3.0
ENGL 225Mexican Literature in Translation3.0
ENGL 226African-American Literature3.0
ENGL 227Modern and Contemporary Literature3.0
ENGL 228Shakespeare's Plays3.0
ENGL 230AIntroduction to American Literature3.0
ENGL 230BIntroduction to American Literature3.0
ENGL 231Literature and Film3.0
ENGL 232Readings In Poetry3.0
ENGL 233Readings in the Novel3.0
ENGL 234Readings in Short Fiction3.0
ENGL 235Readings in the Drama3.0
ENGL 236Studies in Women's Literature3.0
ENGL 237Asian American Literature3.0
ENGL 239Literature of India3.0
ENGL 240Creative Writing3.0
ENGL 241Screenwriting3.0
ENGL 242Writing Poetry3.0
ENGL 243Playwriting3.0
ENGL 244Writing Short Fiction3.0
ENGL 245World Mythology as Literature3.0
ENGL 246ASurvey of British Literature A: Anglo-Saxon to 18th Century3.0
ENGL 246BSurvey of English Literature B: Romantics to the Present3.0
ENGL 247Writing Creative Nonfiction3.0
ENGL 248AMasterpieces of World Literature3.0
ENGL 248BMasterpieces of World Literature3.0
ENGL 249LGBT Literature3.0
ENGL 250Advanced Creative Portfolio3.0
ENGL 257Readings in Creative Nonfiction3.0
ENGL 50AEnglish Grammar3.0
ENGL 5LFreshman Composition Supplemental Seminar0.5
ENGR 110Introduction to Engineering2.0
ENGR 112Engineering Graphics3.0
ENGR 210Materials Science and Engineering4.5
ENGR 215Circuits3.0
ENGR 215LCircuits Laboratory1.0
ENGR 220Programming and Problem-Solving in MATLAB3.0
ENGR 235Statics3.0
ENGR 240Dynamics3.0
ENGR 245Strength of Materials3.0
Engineering Design Technology
ENGT 100Soft Skills for Manufacturing, Technology and Engineering Professionals3.0
ENGT 102Arduino for Internet of Things (IoT) and Embedded Systems Design2.0
ENGT 103Introduction to Engineering Design Using Inventor3.0
ENGT 104Principles of Aerospace Design Technology4.0
ENGT 105Product Design, Development, and Prototype Fabrication2.0
ENGT 106Introduction to Drone Technology4.0
ENGT 116Blueprint Reading and Production4.0
ENGT 117Geometrical Dimensioning and Tolerancing and Model Based Definition4.0
ENGT 131Design Fundamentals Including 3D Modeling3.0
ENGT 133Solidworks for Sheet Metal Design2.0
ENGT 137Industrial Design and 3D Modelling in Fusion3604.0
ENGT 138Introduction to Engineering Design Using Autocad4.0
ENGT 139Cloud based 3D modeling with Onshape4.0
ENGT 153Machine Design Applications Using Solid Modeling3.0
ENGT 237Statics and Strength of Materials Using Simulation3.0
ENGT 257Advanced Modeling Using Inventor4.0
ENGT 258Tools and Fixtures Applications Using Solid Modeling4.0
ENGT 259Solidworks Introduction4.0
ENGT 260Advanced Modeling Using SolidWorks4.0
ENGT 261SolidWorks for Sustainable Design4.0
ENGT 262SolidWorks for Weldments Design4.0
ENGT 263SolidWorks for Industrial Mold Tools Design4.0
ENGT 267MoldFlow Simulations and Plastic Products Design4.0
ENGT 299Directed Studies2.0
Earth Science
ESCI 104Oceanography3.0
ESCI 104LOceanography Laboratory1.0
ESCI 106Weather and Climate3.0
ESCI 106LWeather and Climate Laboratory1.0
ESCI 110Introduction To Earth Science4.0
ESCI 180Earth Science Materials and Preparations1.0
English as a Second Language
ESL 10ESL Speaking and Listening 13.0
ESL 3ESL Grammar, Reading, and Writing 35.0
ESL 7ESL Beginning Speaking and Listening1.5
ESL 11ESL Reading 11.5
ESL 12ESL Pronunciation1.5
ESL 14Pronunciation Plus3.0
ESL 20ESL Speaking and Listening 23.0
ESL 21AESL Intermediate Vocabulary3.0
ESL 21BESL Advanced Vocabulary (Distance Education)3.0
ESL 31ESL Reading 21.5
ESL 32ESL Learning American Idioms1.5
ESL 35Editing Advanced Grammar/Syntax1.5
ESL 104ESL Grammar, Reading and Writing 45.0
ESL 105ESL Grammar, Reading, and Writing 55.0
ESL 120Preparation for College Writing for Non-Native English Speakers5.0
ESL 152Introduction to College Composition for Non-Native English Speakers5.0
Engineering Technology
ET 101Principles of Engineering Technology3.0
ET 102Electronics for Engineering Technologists3.0
ET 103Industrial Process Control2.0
ET 105Industrial Motor Control2.0
Ethnic Studies
ETHN 105Gender Studies and the Chicana/Latina Experience3.0
ETHN 135Ethnic Studies, Place, and Social Justice3.0
ETHN 205Philosophy of Education: Multi-Ethnic Approaches3.0
ETHN 210Race and Ethnic Relations in the U.S.3.0
ETHN 262The Psychology of Oppression3.0
ETHN 280Race, Gender and Sexual Identity in American Politics3.0
FILM 101Motion Picture Production3.0
FILM 104Motion Picture and Digital Cinematography3.0
FILM 159World Film3.0
FILM 160Great Film Directors3.0
FILM 241Screenwriting3.0
FIN 51Retirement Planning And Investing1.5
FIN 125Personal Finance3.0
FIN 125MPersonal Finance3.0
FIN 126Introduction To Stock Market And Investments3.0
FREN 101Elementary French5.0
FREN 102Elementary French5.0
FREN 201Intermediate French5.0
FREN 202Intermediate French4.0
FREN 203Intermediate French Advanced Level I4.0
FREN 281Beginning Conversational French3.0
FREN 282Intermediate Conversational French3.0
FREN 283Advanced Conversational French3.0
FREN 285Romance Linguistics3.0
GEOG 101Physical Geography3.0
GEOG 101LPhysical Geography Laboratory1.0
GEOG 102Cultural Geography3.0
GEOG 103Environmental Geography3.0
GEOG 105World Regional Geography3.0
GEOG 115Physical Geography with Laboratory4.0
GEOG 135Ethnic Studies, Places, and Social Justice3.0
GEOG 140California Geography3.0
GEOL 101Physical Geology4.0
GEOL 102Physical Geology Lecture3.0
GEOL 102LPhysical Geology Laboratory1.0
GEOL 103Environmental Geology Lecture3.0
GEOL 103LEnvironmental Geology Laboratory1.0
GEOL 104Environmental Geology4.0
GEOL 106Geology of the Solar System: Planets and Moons3.0
GEOL 201Earth History4.0
GEOL 204Geology of the Western National Parks and Monuments3.0
GEOL 207Paleontology, Life of the Past4.0
GEOL 208The Age of the Dinosaurs3.0
GEOL 209Natural Disasters3.0
GERM 101Elementary German5.0
GERM 102Elementary German5.0
GERM 201Intermediate German4.0
GERM 202Intermediate German4.0
GERM 203Scientific German4.0
GERM 204Scientific German4.0
GERM 281Beginning Conversational German3.0
GERM 282Intermediate Conversational German3.0
GERM 283Advanced Conversational German3.0
Health Education
HED 100Contemporary Health Problems3.0
HED 101Stress Management3.0
HED 102Introduction to Public Health3.0
HED 103Women, Their Bodies and Health3.0
HED 104Introduction to Health and Society3.0
HED 105Mind, Body, and Health3.0
HED 110Community First Aid and CPR3.0
HED 200Nutrition for Health, Fitness and Wellness3.0
HED 201Principles of the Community Health Worker3.0
HED 202Health Systems and Perspectives3.0
HIST 102Political and Social History of the United States: 1500s to 18763.0
HIST 103Political and Social History of the United States: 1877 to Present3.0
HIST 108History of Mexican and Latino Americans in the United States3.0
HIST 110African/American History3.0
HIST 120History of California3.0
HIST 204Women in American History3.0
HIST 210History of the United States in the Post World War II Era3.0
HIST 230History of Mexico3.0
HIST 235History of Latin America3.0
HIST 241Western Civilization3.0
HIST 242Western Civilization3.0
HIST 245World Civilization from Antiquity to 15003.0
HIST 246World Civilization from 1500 to Present3.0
HIST 250History of England, Great Britain and the Commonwealth3.0
HIST 255History of Russia and the Soviet Union3.0
HIST 260Survey of the History of Asia3.0
HIST 275Global Studies3.0
Health Occupations
HO 102Introduction to Public Health3.0
HO 152Normal and Therapeutic Nutrition3.0
HO 245Drugs and Behavior3.0
HO 56Medication Calculations1.0
HUM 100The Art of Being Human3.0
HUM 102The Arab, The Muslim, and The West3.0
HUM 107Men and Masculinities: Constructing Manhood in America3.0
HUM 108Black Images in Popular Culture3.0
HUM 109Gender and Sexuality In Art3.0
HUM 125Introduction to Visual and Cultural Studies3.0
HUM 200Special Topics in Visual and Cultural Studies3.0
Interdisciplinary Studies
INST 151Principles Of Recovery and Psychosocial Rehabilitation3.0
INST 152Helping Relationships3.0
INST 272Special Populations3.0
INST 273Mental Health Worker Field Experience3.0
JAPN 101Elementary Japanese5.0
JAPN 102Elementary Japanese5.0
JAPN 201Intermediate Japanese5.0
JAPN 202Intermediate Japanese4.0
Journalism and Multimedia Studies
JAMS 100Mass Communications and Society3.0
JAMS 101Beginning Newswriting and Reporting3.0
JAMS 107ANews Media Production3.0
JAMS 107BIntermediate News Media Production3.0
JAMS 107CIntermediate Advanced News Media Production3.0
JAMS 107DAdvanced News Media Production3.0
JAMS 121Multimedia Reporting3.0
JAMS 125Broadcast News Production and Editing3.0
JAMS 130Photo Journalism3.0
JAMS 151Motion Pictures, Radio, and Television3.0
JAMS 152Introduction to Broadcasting3.0
JAMS 157Principles of Public Relations3.0
KIN 100Introduction to Kinesiology3.0
KIN 104Fitness and Wellness3.0
KIN 106Student Athletes in Society2.0
KIN 108Women in Sports3.0
KIN 110Community First Aid and CPR3.0
KIN 200Sports Psychology3.0
KIN 202Measurement and Interpretation of Fitness3.0
KIN 205Anatomical Movement Analysis3.0
KIN 206ALower Extremity Injury Assessment and Reconditioning2.0
KIN 211Sport Management3.0
KIN 271AWork Experience Athletic Training1.0
KIN 271BWork Experience in Fitness1.0
KOR 101Elementary Korean I5.0
KOR 102Elementary Korean II5.0
LAW 56Introduction to Computerized Legal Software3.0
LAW 65Advanced Legal Technology3.0
LAW 100Introduction to California Civil Procedures3.0
LAW 101Introduction To Law3.0
LAW 102Advanced California Civil Procedures3.0
LAW 103Legal Research3.0
LAW 104Advanced Legal Research3.0
LAW 105Introduction to Federal and California Employment and Labor Law3.0
LAW 106Bankruptcy Law3.0
LAW 107Probate Procedures3.0
LAW 108Family Law Procedures3.0
LAW 109Torts and Personal Injury3.0
LAW 110Business Law3.0
LAW 111Business Law3.0
LAW 112Estate Planning for the Paralegal3.0
LAW 113Fundamentals of Alternate Dispute Resolutions3.0
LAW 115Elder Law3.0
LAW 116Criminal Law3.0
LAW 120Legal Ethics3.0
LAW 150Intellectual Property Law3.0
LAW 160California Workers' Compensation Law3.0
LAW 171Legal Work Experience1.0
LAW 172Legal Work Experience2.0
LAW 173Legal Work Experience3.0
LAW 174Legal Work Experience4.0
LAW 230Corporate Law3.0
LAW 260Immigration Law3.0
LAW 290Capstone Course-Paralegal Program1.0
Medical Assisting
MA 161Medical Terminology (Distance Education)3.0
MATH 5Mathematics Learning Strategies1.0
MATH 104Survey of Mathematics4.0
MATH 110AMathematics for Elementary Teachers3.0
MATH 110BMathematics for Elementary Teachers3.0
MATH 112Elementary Statistics4.0
MATH 112SEnhanced Elementary Statistics4.5
MATH 114College Algebra4.0
MATH 116Calculus for Managerial, Biological and Social Sciences4.0
MATH 140Trigonometry3.0
MATH 155Precalculus5.0
MATH 170Analytic Geometry and Calculus I4.0
MATH 190Analytic Geometry and Calculus II4.0
MATH 225Calculus III5.0
MATH 250Linear Algebra and Differential Equations5.0
Machine Tool Technology
MTT 100Machine Tool Introduction2.0
MTT 110Mechanical Maintenance of Machine Tools3.0
MTT 111Programmable Logic Controllers In Automated Manufacturing3.0
MTT 112Variable Frequency Drives in Automated Manufacturing3.0
MTT 113Electrical Maintenance of Machine Tools3.0
MTT 120Fanuc Multi-Axis Robotics2.0
MTT 130Quality Practices and Measurement2.0
MTT 131Geometric Tolerance Inspection using Verisurf3.0
MTT 132Fixture and Tool Building using Verisurf3.0
MTT 140Industrial and Machine Tool Safety1.0
MTT 151Mastercam Introduction3.5
MTT 152Setup and Operation of CNC Milling Machines2.5
MTT 157Setup and Operation of CNC Lathes2.5
MTT 180Robotics for Computer Numerically Controlled Machines3.0
MTT 278Mastercam Advanced3.5
MTT 279Mastercam Multi-Axis3.5
MTT 280Setup and Operation of Multi-Axis CNC Machines2.5
MUS 100Music Appreciation3.0
MUS 101Introduction to World Music3.0
MUS 104BHistory of Rock Music3.0
MUS 105Music Fundamentals3.0
MUS 110Music Technology Fundamentals3.0
MUS 112Piano I2.0
MUS 113Piano II2.0
MUS 114Intermediate Piano I2.0
MUS 115Intermediate Piano II2.0
MUS 135This Business of Music3.0
MUS 143ASongwriting2.5
MUS 144ASynthesizer Techniques2.5
MUS 144BElectronic Music Production2.5
MUS 145ALive Sound Techniques2.5
MUS 146ARecording Techniques2.5
MUS 146BMixing Techniques2.5
MUS 155Music Entrepreneurship3.0
MUS 156Contemporary Music Notation2.5
MUS 157Audio Systems Design2.5
MUS 180Music Theory/Musicianship I4.0
MUS 181Music Theory/Musicianship II4.0
MUS 244AAudio for Film, TV, and Games2.5
MUS 245AMusic for Film, TV, and Games2.5
MUS 280Music Theory/Musicianship III4.0
MUS 281Music Theory/Musicianship IV4.0
New Product Development
NPD 100Product Development in a Global Economy3.0
NPD 101Innovation Using Rapid Prototyping3.0
NPD 102Quality Systems for New Product Development3.0
NPD 103Tooling and Materials for New Product Development3.0
NPD 105Mechatronics Integration In New Product Development3.0
NRSG 3Preparing for Nursing2.0
NRSG 5Removing Barriers to Success in Nursing2.0
NRSG 25Clinical Workshop 10.5
NRSG 26Clinical Workshop 20.5
NRSG 80Nursing Process Documentation1.0
NRSG 200Pharmacology For Nurses2.0
NRSG 210Fundamentals of Nursing5.0
NRSG 211Introduction to Theoretical Framework1.0
NRSG 212Medical-Surgical Nursing I5.0
NRSG 213AMajor Drugs and Nursing Management I0.5
NRSG 213BMajor Drugs and Nursing Management II1.0
NRSG 215Advanced Placement Bridge1.0
NRSG 220Medical-Surgical Nursing 35.5
NRSG 222Maternal/Child Nursing5.5
NRSG 230Psychosocial and Community Nursing5.0
NRSG 232Medical-Surgical Nursing 45.0
NRSG 240Medical-Surgical Nursing 55.0
NRSG 242Professional Role Transition3.0
NRSG 251Basic Adult Physical Assessment1.0
Physical Education
PEX 100Fitness for Student's with Disabilities1.0
PEX 100AAdapted Independent Exercise1.0
PEX 102Adapted Cardiovascular Exercises1.0
PEX 104Adapted Stretching and Relaxation1.0
PEX 104DIntroduction to Adaptive Dance1.0
PEX 124Personal Fitness Program1.0
PEX 130Weight Management1.0
PEX 134Body Sculpting1.0
PEX 136Stretching and Relaxation1.0
PEX 137Cardio Barre Conditioning1.0
PEX 151Yoga1.0
PEX 152Gentle Yoga1.0
PEX 153Meditative – Yoga and Stress Reduction1.0
PEX 155PiYo Introduction to Pilates and Yoga1.0
PEX 156Pilates Conditioning1.0
PEX 157Dance Conditioning and Alignment1.0
Pharmacy Technology
PHAR 50Pharmaceutics1.5
PHAR 55Pharmacy Introduction1.5
PHAR 56Pharmacy Skills Lab Introduction0.5
PHAR 57Pharmacy Operations I1.5
PHAR 63Pharmacy Operations II2.0
PHAR 64Pharmacy Operations III2.5
PHAR 65Pharmacy Operations IV - Non-Sterile Compounding2.0
PHAR 81Over-The-Counter Products3.0
PHAR 83Pharmacy Technician Pharmacology I3.0
PHAR 85Pharmacy Technician Pharmacology II3.0
PHAR 90Clinical Experience I3.5
PHAR 95Clinical Experience II5.0
PHIL 100Introduction to Philosophy3.0
PHIL 102Introduction to Ethics3.0
PHIL 103Philosophical Reasoning: Critical Thinking in Philosophy3.0
PHIL 104Philosophy of Cultural Diversity: Challenge and Change3.0
PHIL 105Philosophy of Art and Beauty3.0
PHIL 106Introduction to Logic3.0
PHIL 107Philosophy of Science and Technology3.0
PHIL 108Philosophy of the Americas3.0
PHIL 109Philosophy of the Body, Feminism, and Gender3.0
PHIL 130History of Ancient Philosophy3.0
PHIL 140History of Modern Philosophy3.0
PHIL 160Symbolic Logic3.0
PHIL 200World Religions3.0
PHIL 201Contemporary Philosophy3.0
PHIL 203Philosophy of Religion3.0
PHIL 204Philosophy of the Bible I (Hebrew Scriptures)3.0
PHIL 205Introduction to Bioethics3.0
PHIL 206Philosophy of the Bible II (Christian Scriptures)3.0
PHOT 110Introduction to Digital Photography3.0
PHOT 112Intermediate Digital Photography3.0
PHOT 122Color Photography3.0
PHOT 150Photography and Society3.0
PHOT 160History of Photography3.0
PHOT 230Portrait Photography3.0
PHOT 234Portfolio Development3.0
PHOT 240Experimental Photography3.0
PHOT 298Directed Studies1.0
PHYS 100Elementary Physics4.0
PHYS 101General Physics4.0
PHYS 102General Physics4.0
PHYS 201Engineering Physics4.0
PHYS 202Engineering Physics4.0
PHYS 203Engineering Physics4.0
Political Science
POL 101American Political Institutions3.0
POL 201Introduction to Political Science and American Government3.0
POL 210International Relations3.0
POL 220Comparative Government3.0
POL 230Contemporary Political Issues: Middle East3.0
POL 240Introduction to Political Theory3.0
POL 250Understanding the United Nations: Theory and Practice3.0
POL 280Race, Gender and Sexual Identity in American Politics3.0
Physical Science
PS 100Physical Science Of Modern Technology3.0
PS 112Physical Science for Elementary School Teachers3.0
PSYC 101General Introductory Psychology3.0
PSYC 103Critical Thinking In Psychology3.0
PSYC 150Personal and Social Adjustment3.0
PSYC 210Elementary Statistics4.0
PSYC 220Research Methods4.0
PSYC 241Introduction to Psychobiology3.0
PSYC 245Drugs and Behavior3.0
PSYC 251Developmental Psychology3.0
PSYC 261Social Psychology3.0
PSYC 262The Psychology of Oppression3.0
PSYC 265Psychology of Gender3.0
PSYC 271Abnormal Psychology3.0
PSYC 273Mental Health Worker Field Experience3.0
PSYC 275Cultural Psychology3.0
PSYC 276Forensic Psychology3.0
PSYC 278Psychology of Wellness3.0
PSYC 281Careers in Psychology3.0
Real Estate
RE 50Computer Applications in Real Estate3.0
RE 52Mortgage Loan Brokering and Lending3.0
RE 101Real Estate Principles3.0
RE 120Real Estate Finance3.0
RE 125Legal Aspects of Real Estate3.0
RE 130Real Estate Practice3.0
RE 131Real Estate Appraisal3.0
RE 140Property Management3.0
RE 151Escrows3.0
RE 157Real Estate Investments3.0
RE 160Real Estate Economics3.0
RE 172Real Estate Work Experience/Career Internship2.0
RE 173Real Estate Work Experience/Career Internship3.0
RE 174Real Estate Work Experience/Career Internship4.0
RE 174AReal Estate Work Experience/Career Internship4.0
READ 97Introduction to College Reading-Accelerated5.0
READ 101Literacy and Learning Strategies for College Success3.0
READ 102Academic Literacy in the Content Areas1.0
READ 103Critical Thinking and Academic Literacy3.0
Speech & Language Pathology
SLP 101Introduction to Communication Disorders3.0
SLP 100Introduction to Speech and Language Pathology1.0
SLP 105Speech and Language Development3.0
SLP 208Introduction to Phonetics3.0
SLP 225Childhood Disorders and Treatment5.0
SLP 250Fieldwork Experience4.0
SLP 230Introduction to Augmentative and Alternative Communication3.0
SLP 235Adult Disorders and Treatment5.0
SLP 241Clinical Experience I2.5
SLP 246Clinical Experience II2.5
SOC 101Introductory Sociology Principles3.0
SOC 110Marriage and the Family3.0
SOC 120Introduction to Human Sexuality3.0
SOC 201Social Problems3.0
SOC 202Gender and Society3.0
SOC 205Introduction to Social Research Methods3.0
SOC 210Race and Ethnic Relations in the U.S.3.0
SOC 215Sociology of Cultural Diversity: Challenge and Change3.0
SOC 220Introduction to Human Services3.0
SOC 230Juvenile Delinquency3.0
SPAN 101Elementary Spanish5.0
SPAN 102Elementary Spanish5.0
SPAN 201Intermediate Spanish5.0
SPAN 202Intermediate Spanish4.0
SPAN 223Spanish for Health and Medical Careers3.0
SPAN 245Introduction to Chicano/Mexican American Culture3.0
SPAN 260Frida Kahlo And Mexican Muralists3.0
TH 101Introduction to the Theatre3.0
TH 102History of the Classical Theatre3.0
TH 103History of the Modern Theatre3.0
TH 104History and Appreciation of Musical Theatre3.0
TH 110Fundamentals of Acting3.5
TH 112Script Analysis3.0
TH 150Appreciation and History of the Motion Picture3.0
Women's & Gender Studies
WGS 101Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies3.0
WGS 102Women and Religion3.0
WGS 103Women, their Bodies and Health3.0
WGS 104Community Organizing and Activism3.0
WGS 105Gender Studies and the Chicana/Latina Experience3.0
WGS 107Men and Masculinities: Constructing Manhood in America3.0
WGS 108Women in Sports3.0
WGS 109Philosophy of the Body, Feminism, and Gender3.0
WGS 115Gender, Communication, and the Digital Revolution3.0
WGS 118History of Women in Visual Arts3.0
WGS 140Introduction to LGBT Studies3.0
WGS 202Gender and Society3.0
WGS 204Women in American History3.0
WGS 205The Anthropology of Sexuality and Gender3.0
WGS 206Women in the Global Economy3.0
WGS 207Women and Media3.0
WGS 208Leadership for Women in Business3.0
WGS 209Gender and Science3.0
WGS 250Foundations of Feminist, Gender, and Queer Theories3.0
WGS 298Directed Studies1.0
WGS 299Directed Studies2.0
Woodworking Manufacturing Technology
WMT 126History of Furniture Design3.0
WMT 130Furniture Design4.0
WMT 171AIntroduction to Tables and Woodworking Hand Tools6.5
WMT 171BTopics in Cabinetmaking6.5
WMT 171CWoodworking Design and Fabrication6.5
WMT 180Running A Woodworking Business3.0
WMT 181LCabinet Vision Lab1.0
WMT 183SketchUp for Woodworkers3.0
WMT 184Introduction To Digital Fabrication4.0
WMT 187Woodworking Machine Maintenance and Repair1.5

The list below is all Cerritos College courses approved to be offered in a distance education modality. Not all courses are offered each semester. Refer to the schedule of classes for specific information about class offerings in a specific semester.

California Virtual Campus

Cerritos College is part of the California Virtual Campus (CVC). As a Home College in the CVC, Cerritos College students are able to access online classes available at other California Community Colleges without having to apply to that college or worry about requesting transcripts. Students interested in this opportunity can review the CVC course schedule at In fall 2023, Cerritos College will also become a Teaching College in the CVC. When this integration is completed, students from across the state will be able to enroll in Cerritos College classes through CVC while enrolled in their home college.