Academic Catalog

Academic Policies & Procedures

Final Examinations

Instructors at Cerritos College have established their course requirements within the framework of the College’s philosophy and requirements. Final examinations are required in all courses. A schedule for final examinations is listed at the beginning of the catalog. Students are expected to take examinations when scheduled; but in the event of an emergency or severe illness, the instructor should be notified.


Accomplishment in course work is indicated by the following symbols:

Symbol Defintion Grade Points
A Excellent 4
B Good 3
C Satisfactory 2
D Less than Satisfactory 1
F Failing (earned) 0
FW Failing, due to lack of participation and failure to withdraw 0
EW Extenuating withdrawal (without penalty
I Incomplete
MW Military Withdrawal (without penalty)
NP No Pass (less than satisfactory or failing; units not counted in GPA)
P Pass (at least satisfactory, the equivalent of a "C"; units awarded not counted in GPA)
RD1 Report Delayed
W Withdrawal

RD - The RD symbol is used when there is a delay in reporting the grade of a student due to circumstances beyond the control of the student. It is a temporary notation to be replaced by a permanent symbol as soon as possible. RD shall not be used in calculating grade point averages.

Grade Changes

The determination of the student’s grade by the instructor shall be final in the absence of mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetence. The correction of a grade given shall only be allowed for a request initiated within one year following the end of the term in which it was assigned.


Students are not to re-enroll for a course in which a grade of “I” has been recorded. Incomplete academic work for unforeseeable, emergency, and justifiable reasons at the end of the term may result in an “I” symbol being entered in the student’s record. The condition for removal of the “I” shall be stated by instructor in a written record. This record shall contain the conditions for removal of the “I” and the grade assigned in lieu of its removal. This record must be given to the student with a copy on file with the Admissions and Records Office until the “I” is made up or the time limit has passed. A final grade shall be assigned when the work stipulated has been completed and evaluated, or when the time limit for completing the work has passed. The “I” must be made up no later than one year following the end of the term in which it was assigned. The “I” symbol shall not be used in calculating units attempted nor for grade points. (Administrative Policy 4230)

Transcripts of Record

A transcript of all college work completed may be obtained online at The first 2 transcripts (whether official or unofficial) are free. For subsequent copies, a fee of $5.50 is charged for each regular transcript; a $10 fee is charged for each rush transcript requested at least 2 hours before closing.

Verification of Student Status Fees

The following are the fees for verification of enrollment:

  • $2 per verification of status.
  • $10 additional rush fee per verification to be completed within the same business day.

Exemptions for these fees are for verification of enrollment and grade point average for the California Student Aid Commission for financial aid purposes.

Good Standing

Students are considered to be in good academic standing if s/he maintains a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher for all course work completed, and if the percentage of all units attempted for which entries of “W”, “I”, and “NP” are recorded does not reach or exceed 50 percent.


  1. Academic Probation
    Students who have attempted at least twelve (12) semester units as shown by the official academic record shall be placed on academic probation if the students have earned a grade point average below 2.0 in all units undertaken at Cerritos College.
  2. Progress Probation
    Students who have enrolled in a total of at least twelve (12) semester units as shown by the official academic record shall be placed on progress probation when the percentage of all units at Cerritos College which the students have attempted and for which entries of “W”, “I”, and “NP” are recorded reaches or exceeds 50 percent.

    Probation is entered on the student’s permanent records and transcripts of record. Students placed on academic or progress probation will be notified through the MyCerritos Portal, please check the Message Center.

Probation Clearance

  1. Academic Probation Clearance
    Students may clear academic probation by earning sufficient grade points to raise the cumulative grade point average to 2.0 or higher in the next semester of attendance. Probation status is not cleared by one semester of 2.0 GPA if it does not raise the cumulative GPA to 2.0 or higher.
  2. Progress Probation Clearance
    Students may clear progress probation by decreasing the percentage of “W”, “I”, or “NP” entries to less than 50 percent of all units in which the students have attempted.

Standards for Dismissal

  1. Academic Dismissal
    Students are subject to academic dismissal when their GPA is less than 2.0 in 12 units or more for two consecutive semesters on academic probation. Students subject to academic dismissal shall be placed on continued probation when their latest semester’s GPA is 2.0 or higher.
  2. Progress Dismissal
    Students who have been placed on progress probation shall be subject to dismissal if the percentage of units in which the students have been enrolled and for which entries of “W”, “I”, or “NP” are recorded in at least two (2) consecutive semesters reaches or exceeds 50 percent. Students subject to progress dismissal shall be placed on continued probation when no “W”, “I”, or “NP” entries are recorded for their latest semester.

    Students are notified they have been placed on probation shortly after the beginning of the subsequent semester. Dismissed students may attend summer session to improve academic deficiencies.

Reinstatement After Dismissal

  1. Academic Reinstatement
    Students may re-enter the semester following academic dismissal through successful petition to the Academic Records and Standards Committee. However, such students will remain on probation until the accumulated GPA is 2.0 or higher.
  2. Progress Reinstatement
    Students may re-enter the semester following progress dismissal through successful petition to the Academic Records and Standards Committee. However, such students will remain on probation until the percentage of “W”, “I”, or “NP” entries is less than 50 percent of all units in which the students have enrolled.

    Petitions must be filed prior to the deadline indicated on the readmission petition.

Removal from Class

A student may be involuntarily removed from a course due to excessive absences, failure to meet prerequisite(s), or as a result of official disciplinary action (California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 55003).


It is the responsibility of students to attend classes regularly and apply themselves to the college studies in which they are enrolled. When students have been absent due to illness, they should report to their instructor to explain the absence. Students not in attendance or late for the first class meeting are subject to drop. Students who are absent in excess of 10% of the total class hours are subject to drop. Students who are absent during the course add period are subject to drop. Certain academic and career technical education areas may have stricter attendance requirements.

Listed below are two types of absences which permit the making up of work missed, provided that the work is of such a nature that it can be made up.

  1. Authorized Absence: For an approved educational field trip or school activity.
  2. Excused Absence: For illness, injury, or quarantine.

No credit will be given for a class in which a student is not officially enrolled.

Students must attend the first class meeting or their names may be removed from the roll to allow another student seeking admission to enter. If a student is unable to attend the first class meeting, the instructor must be notified.


Pursuant to Title 5, section 58004 and Cerritos College Board Policy, it is the student’s responsibility to participate fully in class(es), once enrollment is complete. However, should it become necessary to withdraw from class, it is the student’s responsibility to withdraw. The ultimate responsibility of withdrawal falls to the student.

To officially withdraw from a course use MyCerritos or visit the Admissions & Records Office for assistance. Retain an updated printout for your records. All withdrawals must be completed by the listed deadlines. Failure to officially withdraw from class(es) may result in an “F/FW” grade for each class.

See the “Add/Drop Dates” on the Admissions & Records website for specific deadlines.

Academic Renewal Regulations

An Academic Renewal procedure permits alleviation of previously recorded sub-standard (“D”, “F”, and “NP”) academic performance which is not reflective of a student’s present demonstrated ability and level of performance. The permanent academic record shall be annotated in such a manner that all work remains legible, ensuring a true and complete academic history.

  1. A student may request that up to 30 units substandard course work attempted be annotated and disregarded in the computation of the student’s grade point average or requirements for a degree. Only those requested courses with substandard grades will be disregarded.
  2. At least twenty-four (24) units of college work from an accredited institution with a grade point average of 2.0 must be completed after the 30 units of course work to be alleviated.
  3. A student may be granted academic renewal only once.
  4. No alleviated course work shall apply toward degree requirements.
  5. In the petition, the student must specify the course(s) to be considered under the academic renewal policy as well as the term in which the course work was attempted.
  6. Some senior-level institutions and, possibly, certain out-of-state community colleges do not honor academic renewal. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that his/her transfer institution will approve of academic renewal from Cerritos College.

A student may petition for academic renewal at the Admissions & Records Office

Honors & Awards

Honor Graduates

The honor graduates are identified by the gold cord worn with their regalia. Graduates who achieved a 3.3 to 3.69 grade point average will graduate “With Honors.” Those receiving a 3.70 to 4.0 will graduate “With Highest Honors.” Only units earned at Cerritos College may be used in computing the grade point average for honor graduates. To be considered for honor status a minimum of 24 units must be earned at Cerritos College. If you are a spring or summer graduate, your honors for Commencement are based on your GPA up to and including the previous fall semester. The Honor Cords are for graduates who have earned an Associate Degree only. Honors does not apply towards Certificates of Achievement.

Dean's List

Full-time students who achieve a 3.5 grade point average or higher for 12 units or more of college-level courses in a single semester qualify for the Dean’s List.

President's List

Full-time students with 12 units earned or more of college-level courses in a single semester and who achieve a 4.0 grade point average within those units earned will qualify for the President’s List.

Academic Excellence Awards

The Cerritos College Foundation annually sponsors an awards program for those students selected for outstanding academic achievement from the various subject matter areas on campus. Academic honors are awarded to students who do outstanding work in their major field of study. Students must show promise, possess a current Associated Student Body card, have above average grades, and be recommended by the instructors in their major field.

Associated Students Awards

The Associated Students offer a number of honors and awards to students for outstanding leadership, service, and academic achievements.

Service & Leadership Awards

  • The Gold and Silver Falcons are the highest and most prestigious awards that are given to students for service, leadership and scholarship each semester.
  • Bronze Falcons are awarded to students who excel in leadership and participation in programs sponsored by the Associated Students of Cerritos College.
  • Service Certificates are awarded in recognition of service and participation in programs sponsored by the Associated Students of Cerritos College.

Club/Organizational Awards

Clubs and organizations are recognized and honored for their service and participation in various programs.