Academic Catalog

Art and Design (ART)

ART 1003.0 UNITS
Introduction to World Art

Class Hours: 3.0 Lecture
Total Contact Hours: 54 Lecture

Recommendation: Courses taught at the level of Introduction to College Composition with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass" or equivalent or appropriate placement based on the college’s multiple measures process with eligibility for ENG 100 or ENGL 100S AND a course at the level of college reading.
This course is an overview of world art from prehistoric times to the present. It is an introduction to the ideas that prompt art making and the search for "beauty" and "truth" (aesthetics) in various cultural contexts. It includes an analysis of the language of the visual arts using examples from throughout the world. It also includes an investigation of the artistic techniques and materials used in painting, printmaking, photography, film, ceramics, sculpture and architecture.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
C-ID: ARTH 100
ART 1013.0 UNITS
Art History I: Prehistory to Gothic

Class Hours: 3.0 Lecture
Total Contact Hours: 54 Lecture

Recommendation: Courses taught at the level of Introduction to College Composition with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass" or equivalent or appropriate placement based on the college's multiple measures process with eligibility for ENGL 100 or ENGL 100S or a course at the level of college reading.
This course covers art and its role in human affairs from Prehistory to Gothic with an emphasis on giving students an understanding of all of the visual arts. It is designed to be of interest and value to the art and non-art major alike.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
C-ID: ARTH 110
ART 1023.0 UNITS
Art History II: Renaissance to Rococo

Class Hours: 3.0 Lecture
Total Contact Hours: 54 Lecture

Recommendation: Courses taught at the level of Introduction to College Composition with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass" or equivalent or appropriate placement based on the college’s multiple measures process with eligibility for ENG 100 or ENGL 100S AND a course at the level of college reading.
This course covers art and its role in human affairs from the Renaissance to the Rococo with an emphasis on giving students an understanding of all of the visual arts. It is designed to be of interest and value to the art and non-art major alike.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
C-ID: ARTH 120
ART 1033.0 UNITS
Art History III: Neoclassical to Present

Class Hours: 3.0 Lecture
Total Contact Hours: 54 Lecture

Recommendation: Courses taught at the level of Introduction to College Composition with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass" or equivalent or appropriate placement based on the college’s multiple measures process with eligibility for ENG 100 or ENGL 100S AND a course at the level of college reading.
This course covers art and its role in human affairs from the Neoclassical period to the present with an emphasis on giving students an understanding of all of the visual arts. It is designed to be of interest and value to the art and non-art major alike.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
C-ID: ARTH 120
ART 1043.0 UNITS
African Art History

Class Hours: 3.0 Lecture
Total Contact Hours: 54 Lecture

Recommendation: Courses taught at the level of Introduction to College Composition with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass" or equivalent or appropriate placement based on the college’s multiple measures process with eligibility for ENGL 100 or ENGL 100S AND a course at the level of college reading.
This course is an introduction to the history of African art. Students will explore the background, aesthetics, styles and iconography of Africa through slide presentation, in-class discussions and assigned readings.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
The Arts of Latin America and the Caribbean: Pre-Columbian

Class Hours: 3.0 Lecture
Total Contact Hours: 54 Lecture

Recommendation: Courses taught at the level of Introduction to College Composition with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass" or equivalent or appropriate placement based on the college's multiple measures process with eligibility for ENGL 100 or ENGL 100S or a course at the level of college reading.
This course is an overview of the art of the Americas prior to European contact. It will include an examination of the cultural, socio-political, and religious influences that have shaped the art of the Americas with a specific focus on the cultures of Mesoamerica, the Caribbean, and the Andes. This course will consist of lecture, slide presentations, discussion, and analysis of representative art of the various periods and regions.
Transfer Credit: CSU;UC
C-ID: ARTH 145
The Arts of Latin America and the Caribbean: Colonial to the Present

Class Hours: 3.0 Lecture
Total Contact Hours: 54 Lecture

Recommendation: Courses taught at the level of Introduction to College Composition with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass" or equivalent or appropriate placement based on the college’s multiple measures process with eligibility for ENG 100 or ENGL 100S AND a course at the level of college reading.
This course is an overview of the arts in colonial and post-colonial Latin America and the Caribbean. It will include an examination of the cultural, socio-political, and religious influences that have shaped Latin American and Caribbean art movements with a special focus on colonial hybridity, independence and nationalist movements, globalization, and cultural reactions to modernism and post-modernism. The course will consist of lecture, slide presentations, discussion, and analysis of representative art of the various periods and locations.
Transfer Credit: CSU;UC
ART 1063.0 UNITS
Mexican Art

Class Hours: 3.0 Lecture
Total Contact Hours: 54 Lecture

Recommendation: Courses taught at the level of Introduction to College Composition with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass" or equivalent or appropriate placement based on the college’s multiple measures process with eligibility for ENGL 100 or ENGL 100S AND a course at the level of college reading.
This course is a survey of Mexican art history, from Pre-Columbian to Chicano art. It will include an examination of the cultural, socio-political and religious influences that have shaped the art of Mexico. The course will consist of lecture, slide presentation, discussion, and analysis of representative art of the various periods.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
ART 1073.0 UNITS
Asian Art History

Class Hours: 3.0 Lecture
Total Contact Hours: 54 Lecture

Recommendation: Courses taught at the level of Introduction to College Composition with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass" or equivalent or appropriate placement based on the college’s multiple measures process with eligibility for ENGL 100 or ENGL 100S and course at the level of college reading.
Asian art history surveys the arts of India, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Java, China, Korea and Japan. Architecture, painting, sculpture, printmaking and other arts are examined within their philosophical, religious, intellectual and social contexts.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
C-ID: ARTH 130
ART 1083.0 UNITS
Black Images in Popular Culture

Class Hours: 3.0 Lecture
Total Contact Hours: 54 Lecture

Recommendation: Courses taught at the level of Introduction to College Composition with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass" or equivalent or appropriate placement based on the college’s multiple measures process with eligibility for ENG 100 or ENGL 100S AND a course at the level of college reading.
This course surveys the depiction and development of images of Blacks and the stereotypes created in Western culture. The various means artists have used to counter those stereotypes by using techniques of resistance and counter narratives will be examined. Students will study fine art, comic books, comic strips, cartoons, advertising, literature, music, dance, theatre, cinema, broadcasting and television. Writing a research paper is a significant component of the course. Reading of literature theory and criticism is required. This course is not open to students who are enrolled in or who have received credit in HUM 108.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
ART 1093.0 UNITS
Gender and Sexuality In Art

Class Hours: 3.0 Lecture
Total Contact Hours: 54 Lecture

Recommendation: Courses taught at the level of Introduction to College Composition with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass" or equivalent or appropriate placement based on the college’s multiple measures process with eligibility for ENGL 100 or ENGL 100S AND a course at the level of college reading.
This class will investigate the relationship between gender and sexuality through and examination of visual art, cinema, television, video, and advertising. Close attention will be given to how popular and artistic cultures shape identity and representation. Writing a research paper is a significant component of the course. College level reading is required. This course is not open to students who are enrolled in or who have received credit in HUM 109.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
ART 1103.0 UNITS
Freehand Drawing

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

This is a beginning course in the history and appreciation, theory, and practice of representational and non-objective drawing technique, linear perspective, composition, and presentation. Lectures will include the historical development and appreciation of drawing from Western and non-Western cultures.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
C-ID: ARTS 110
Drawing In and Out of History

Class Hours: 3.0 Lecture
Total Contact Hours: 54 Lecture

Drawing serves as a language through which we can explore cultural, social and ideological experience. This course will examine drawing as a formal activity that has been used throughout history to document, express, and connect various aspects of human existence. In this course students will survey a selected history of drawing from prehistoric - 21century. This course will be supplemented with reading, writing and drawing assignments, museum and gallery visits.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
ART 1113.0 UNITS
Intermediate Freehand Drawing

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

Prerequisite: ART 110 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass".
This course is a continuation of the hands-on studio experience of ART 110. The course will explore abstraction, cubism and conceptual ideas based on music, poetry and film that have affected art and culture. It will also synthesize the traditional concepts of drawing with the contemporary approaches to drawing since the 20th century. Students will analyze cultural influences, themes and movements in art history from the Renaissance to our current avant-garde and relate them to the creative process of drawing. The course is designed to help identify and enhance each student’s individual sensibilities.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
ART 1123.0 UNITS
Life Drawing

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

Prerequisite: ART 110 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass". Student must be at least 18 years of age or have parental consent in order to take this course.
This course teaches the technical and perceptual skills involved with observing and drawing the human figure. By using the human figure as a vehicle, students learn to define the technical and conceptual elements of drawing and the perspective, of human form in space. Demonstrations are given on the use of a variety of materials, including graphite, charcoal, conte crayon, ink, colored pastels, and watercolor. The course focuses on the figure, exploring anatomical structure, using light logic, spatial relationships, and creating compositions based on the figure and its environment. This course also helps identify and enhance students' individual sensibilities toward drawing from observation and using their personal expression. This course generates an understanding and appreciation of the tradition in art through exposure to and analysis of master drawings of the Renaissance through contemporary art historical periods.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
C-ID: ARTS 200
ART 1133.0 UNITS
Art, Science, and Technology

Class Hours: 3.0 Lecture
Total Contact Hours: 54 Lecture

Recommendation: Courses taught at the level of Introduction to College Composition with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass" or equivalent or appropriate placement based on the college’s multiple measures process with eligibility for ENGL 100 or ENGL 100S AND a course at the level of college reading.
This course is an overview of the intersections between art, science, and technology, as well as their broader impact on, and interaction with, visual and material culture. Areas of focus will include the social impact of scientific innovations, technology-driven art, and art/science collaborative projects, including discussions of code-based and algorithmic art, data visualization, robotic and interactive art, machine aesthetics, body modification and cyborg experiments, ecological and environmental art, conceptual Internet projects, culture jamming and hacktivist art, game art and virtual reality, surveillance art, and tele-presence and locative media.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
ART 1143.0 UNITS
Storyboarding and Animation Principles for Film

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

This course looks at visual storytelling techniques using storyboards and the principles of animation to effectively communicate a story through pre-visualization and hand drawing of sequences for a live-action production, graphic novel illustration or a character-based animation project. (This course is not open to students who are enrolled in or who have received credit in FILM 114.)
Transfer Credit: CSU
Printmaking Lab

Class Hours: 3.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 54 Laboratory

Prerequisite: ART 116 or ART 117
This is a lab course intended to complement other courses in the Printmaking curriculum. It is designed to give practical experience in working with the techniques of relief printing, intaglio (etching, aquatint, drypoint, softground, viscosity, and photoetching), screen printing, collagraphy, embossing, and monotype. The course will increase the skill and creative output of the student in areas of his/her choice.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
ART 1163.0 UNITS
Beginning Printmaking

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

This is an introductory course in the theory and practice of printmaking that will expose the student to the historical development and contemporary practice of printmaking as an original art form. The student will explore the processes of relief printmaking (linocut and woodcut) intaglio printmaking (etching, drypoint, and softground), and screenprinting and their contemporary interaction with photographics and digital imagemaking through application and appreciation. Recommended for drawing and painting majors, graphic design majors, and photography majors.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
ART 1173.0 UNITS
Intermediate Printmaking

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

Prerequisite: ART 116 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher "Pass".
This is a course designed to further the student's investigation into the aesthetics and techniques of screenprinting, intaglio (aquatint etching softground, whiteground, sugarlift), multiple color relief printmaking, and collagraphy. Related photographic and digital image-making techniques will be studied and applied further, such as photo-screenprinting, photo-etching, halftoning, posterization technique, and use of the enlarger, digital camera, flatbed scanner, and slide scanner.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
ART 1183.0 UNITS
History of Women in Visual Arts

Class Hours: 3.0 Lecture
Total Contact Hours: 54 Lecture

Recommendation: Courses taught at the level of Introduction to College Composition with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass" or equivalent or appropriate placement based on the college’s multiple measures process with eligibility for ENGL 100 or ENGL 100S AND a course at the level of college reading.
This course provides an introduction to the role of women in the visual arts as subjects, patrons, and artists. The course examines global case studies of female involvement in the visual arts from the medieval period through the present. Particular attention is paid to issues of female agency, historical gender roles, and female artists and patrons who shaped the discipline of Art History. This course is not open to students who are currently enrolled or have completed WS 118 or WGS 118.
Transfer Credit: CSU;UC
Introduction to Museum Studies

Class Hours: 3.0 Lecture
Total Contact Hours: 54 Lecture

Recommendation: Courses taught at the level of Introduction to College Composition with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass" or equivalent or appropriate placement based on the college’s multiple measures process with eligibility for ENG 100 or ENGL 100S AND a course at the level of college reading.
This course provides a broad introduction to the operation of various types of museums (art, historical, natural history, science) and galleries (academic, commercial, artist-run spaces). It is designed to introduce students to the various jobs and responsibilities that exist within museums including exhibition design and curation, education, archival research, collection management, and conservation. Emphasis is placed on exploring the historical, theoretical, and practical aspects involved in the collection and display of visual and cultural objects, especially as this relates to social conditions and political ideologies. Numerous landmark and contemporary exhibitions are used as case studies for exploring and analyzing these issues in specific contexts.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
ART 1203.0 UNITS
Two-Dimensional Design

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

ART 120 is an intensive studio course that introduces the practical and the conceptual aspects of two-dimensional design. Working in both color and black and white, students will use the materials, tools, and techniques of design to create a portfolio. They will study the aesthetic functions and formal concerns of line, shape, value, texture, and surface and develop the understanding and vocabulary of the two-dimensional design.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC*
C-ID: ARTS 100
*UC: credit limits may apply. Any or all of the following architecture courses - ARCH 110, 112, 122, 212 - combined with ART 120 and ART 121: maximum of 18 units.
ART 1213.0 UNITS
Three-Dimensional Design

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

Prerequisite: ART 120 or equivalent with a grade of Credit or "C" or higher.
This course will serve as an introduction to organization and problem solving in three-dimensions with an emphasis on formal concerns. It will also serve as an introduction to the materials, techniques and tools used in the making of three-dimensional forms. This course will emphasize the use and comprehension of the vocabulary of three-dimensional design and its application to the visual image.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC*
C-ID: ARTS 101
*UC: credit limits may apply: Any or all of the following architecture courses - ARCH 110, 112, 122, 212 - combined with ART 120 and ART 121: maximum credit, 18 units.
ART 1223.0 UNITS
Color Theory

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

Prerequisite: Completion of Art 110 or Art 120 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass".
ART 122 is an intensive studio course that introduces the visual and the conceptual interactions of color theory pertaining to painting, drawing, photography media arts and design. The course utilizes the historical theories of color by previous artists to study the distinctive color properties and functions. The course investigates color symbolism and composition through isolation and reintegration of the elements of color theory. Working in both paint and collage, students will use the materials, tools, and techniques of color theory to create a portfolio. They will study the aesthetic functions and formal concerns color and develop the understanding and vocabulary of color theory as it relates to the visual arts. The course combines lecture, demonstration and critique with hands-on exploration in problem solving.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
C-ID: ARTS 270
ART 1233.0 UNITS
African Cinema

Class Hours: 3.0 Lecture
Total Contact Hours: 54 Lecture

This course explores the evolution of contemporary African cinema from Ousmane Sembene, the “father of African cinema,” to Nollywood. It examines its transformative role in creating social change and disrupting oppressive Western colonial representation of Africa, its diverse cultures and peoples. Scholarly readings from Visual and Cultural Studies will provide further analysis and understanding of this dynamic cultural expression and how it intersects with issues of gender, race, class, and other systems of power. This course is not open to students with prior credit in AFRS 112.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
ART 1243.0 UNITS
Introduction to Media Studies

Class Hours: 3.0 Lecture
Total Contact Hours: 54 Lecture

Recommendation: Courses taught at the level of Introduction to College Composition with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass" or equivalent or appropriate placement based on the college’s multiple measures process with eligibility for ENG 100 or ENGL 100S AND a course at the level of college reading.
Introduction to Media Studies will survey the historical development of media: film, video, television, video games, Internet, and new media; examine media theory, its philosophy and aesthetic; and consider its political, social and cultural impact on the individual and society. This course will analyze modes of spectatorship and the impact of changing technologies and institutions within a broad media landscape.
Transfer Credit: CSU;UC
ART 1253.0 UNITS
Introduction to Visual and Cultural Studies

Class Hours: 3.0 Lecture
Total Contact Hours: 54 Lecture

Recommendation: Courses taught at the level of Introduction to College Composition with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass" or equivalent or appropriate placement based on the college’s multiple measures process with eligibility for ENG 100 or ENGL 100S AND a course at the level of college reading.
This foundation course introduces the essential skills required in visual and cultural studies, including research methodologies and critical theory. Emphasis is placed on critical and creative thinking skills associated with interdisciplinary scholarship. This seminar course culminates in an independent research project. This course is not open to students who are enrolled in or who have received credit in HUM 125.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
ART 1263.0 UNITS
History of Furniture Design

Class Hours: 3.0 Lecture
Total Contact Hours: 54 Lecture

Recommendation: Courses taught at the level of Introduction to College Composition with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass" or equivalent or appropriate placement based on the college’s multiple measures process with eligibility for ENG 100 or ENGL 100S AND READ 101 or READ 102 or a course at the level of college reading.
This course introduces students to the historical development of furniture from pre-history to contemporary examples from across the world. Period, regional, and major design movements are presented with lectures, videos, and readings. Emphasis is placed on the development of styles, motifs, ornamentation, manufacturing processes, and uses as they respond to cultural forces such as class, gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, emerging economies, cultural exchange and appropriation. This course is not open to students who are enrolled in or have received credit in WMT 126.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
Fundamentals of Painting

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

Prerequisite: ART 110 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass".
Recommendation: ART 120 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass".
This course is an introduction to the material and creative process of painting. The course emphasizes the fundamental techniques and concepts of drawing and painting. The course is a hands-on studio experience that teaches students the formal elements of painting, including accurate observation, composition, proportion, perspective, pictorial space, light logic, color theory, the handling of paint, and creative expression. Students will learn to paint various subject matter, including still-life, portrait, landscape, and original narrative compositions. The course will provide an art historical context to the development of painting, cultural impact, and how art has developed from the Renaissance through Contemporary Art movements. The course is designed to provide the basic foundational skills of painting and art historical timeline to the development of painting.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
Fundamentals Of Painting

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

Prerequisite: ART 130A or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass".
This course is a continuation of ART 130A. The student works more deliberately with the expressive properties of color, value, and the organization of pictorial space. A variety of painting problems including still life, portrait, landscape, and narrative painting provide students an opportunity to discover their individual artistic sensibilities. The course will provide an art historical context to the development of painting, cultural impact, and how art has developed from the Renaissance through Contemporary Art movements. Lectures and critiques open the student to a deeper sensibility as well as an increased theoretical understanding of painting.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
ART 1363.0 UNITS
Painting For Art Majors

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

Prerequisite: ART 110 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass".
Recommendation: ART 120 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass".
This is a course in painting designed specifically for art majors. Topics include use and manipulation of painting materials and color; depicting mood and sensation; expression of form, application of paint, and communicating through imagery and composition. Projects include creative thinking as applied to non-objective painting, formal invention, and symbolic imagery. Knowledge of art history is expanded through gallery and museum visits and assigned reading. This course introduces the history and evolution of painting as an art form and contemporary purposes are discussed in slide lectures and demonstrations. Students learn modernist approaches to painting, including Impressionism, Expressionism, Symbolism, Surrealism, and Abstraction are introduced to students as they develop their individual approaches to creating narrative paintings.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
C-ID: ARTS 210
ART 1503.0 UNITS
Introduction to Ceramics

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

This course is designed as an introduction to the ideas, techniques, history, and traditional of the art of ceramics.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
ART 1513.0 UNITS
Ceramics-Beginning Wheelthrowing

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

Prerequisite: ART 150 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass".
The course builds on the knowledge and skills learned in ART 150, Introduction to Ceramics. Emphasis is on the use of the potter's wheel.
Transfer Credit: CSU
ART 1523.0 UNITS
Ceramics-Beginning Handbuilding

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

Prerequisite: ART 150 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass".ART
This course builds on techniques learned in ART 150, Introduction to Ceramics. Emphasis is on the use of complex hand-forming techniques.
Transfer Credit: CSU
ART 1533.0 UNITS
Ceramics-Intermediate Wheelthrowing

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

Prerequisite: ART 151
This course builds on techniques learned in ART 151. Emphasis is on the use of the potter's wheel. Glaze technology is introduced.
Transfer Credit: CSU
ART 1543.0 UNITS
Ceramic-Intermediate Handbuilding

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

Prerequisite: ART 152
This course builds on techniques learned in ART 152. Emphasis is on the use of complex hand-forming techniques. Glaze technology is introduced.
Transfer Credit: CSU
ART 1553.0 UNITS
Beginning Ceramic Sculpture

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

Prerequisite: ART 150 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass".ART 150
This course is designed as an introduction to the ideas, techniques, and tradition of the art of ceramic sculpture.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
Ceramics Lab

Class Hours: 3.8 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 68 Laboratory

Corequisite: One or more of the following courses: ART 150, ART 151, ART 152, ART 155, ART 252, ART 253, or ART 255
Open Entry/Open Exit This lab course is intended to complement the other courses in the ceramics curriculum. It is designed to give practical experience in the techniques and technology of ceramics, including handbuilding, wheel-throwing, sculpture, surface treatments, and glazing. The course will improve the skills and creativity of students enrolled in the ceramics courses.
Transfer Credit: CSU
ART 1623.0 UNITS
Introduction To Sculpture

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

Recommendation: ART 121 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass".
This course is designed as an introduction to the ideas, techniques, and materials involved in the making of sculptural forms.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
Lettering and Typography

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

The exploration of lettering and typography, its creation, use and function in printing, packaging, publishing, and advertising constitute the basis for this course. Skills will be developed through practical studio exercises using both hand skills and computer typography. The classification of type styles will be learned and the basic elements of typography will be explored.
Transfer Credit: CSU
Lettering and Typography II

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

Prerequisite: ART 182A or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass".
The design and application of letter forms requiring increased technical skills and intensive experience in the use of current and computer graphics programs provide the basis for this second semester of lettering and typography. Topics include illustrative lettering, experimental typography, computer-designed letter forms, digital typography and type design.
Transfer Credit: CSU
ART 1843.0 UNITS
Graphic Design I

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

Prerequisite: ART 182A or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass".
This is a hands on class integrating the history, theories, techniques, and practices of graphic design with the software skills needed to produce print and digital documents. Emphasis will be placed on the application of basic design principles to graphic design problems. Design solutions will explore the potential of layout and design, utilizing illustration, photography, typography and symbology.
Transfer Credit: CSU
ART 1863.0 UNITS
Computer Graphics with Adobe Illustrator

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

This course covers the basic concepts and techniques of computer graphics. The principles of art and design are taught in a studio setting emphasizing hands-on experience. Students create original illustrations using vector-based graphics software.
Transfer Credit: CSU
ART 1883.0 UNITS
Design for Digital Publishing

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

This course covers design and layout systems for digital publishing stressing typography and grid-based design. Formatting graphics such as illustrations, logos and photographs for print or interactive publishing will be covered emphasizing hands-on experience.
Transfer Credit: CSU
ART 1893.0 UNITS
Portfolio Preparation

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

This course is designed for aspiring graphic designers who wish to build a compelling and professional portfolio that showcases their creativity, technical skills and unique design voice. Through a series of practical projects, critiques, and discussions, students will develop a collection of work that demonstrates their proficiency in various areas of graphic design, including branding, digital media and print design. Emphasis will be placed on conceptual development, aesthetic appeal, and professional presentation, preparing students for success in the competitive field of graphic design.
Transfer Credit: CSU
3d Computer Animation

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

This course will serve as an introduction to 3D computer animation by taking animation principles developed in classical animation and applying those techniques using computer animation software. Particular emphasis will be placed on character modeling, anthropomorphic techniques, and character modeling. Topics will also include lighting composition, and rendering. Students will animate and render a short narrative as the final project.
Transfer Credit: CSU
3D Computer Animation Project

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

Prerequisite: ART 191A or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass".
This course will provide students with the opportunity to continue their exploration of 3D computer animation by writing, modeling, storyboarding, and animating an original animation short. Topics will include storyboard creation, shot development, editing, and sound design.
Transfer Credit: CSU
ART 1923.0 UNITS
Photoshop/Digital Imaging

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

This course covers image editing of photographic media for commercial art direction using Adobe Photoshop and other image editing programs. Topics include scanning basics, image conversion, painting and editing tools, manipulation selections, photographic compositing, masks and layers, color corrections and making color separations.
Transfer Credit: CSU
Advanced Photoshop

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

This course covers advanced image editing of photographic media for commercial art direction using Adobe Photoshop. Emphasis is on more advanced Photoshop techniques as well as more involved design projects that will further enhance the student's portfolio.
Transfer Credit: CSU
ART 1933.0 UNITS
Motion Picture Editing

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

This course will serve as an introduction to motion picture editing by taking students through the history of editing and analyzing specific techniques through class examples of significant films. Students will explore the work of important directors and editors and chart their contributions to the art of cinematic editing. Students will apply their knowledge of editing techniques through exercises on non-linear editing tools where they will edit their own versions of scenes from common footage.
Transfer Credit: CSU
Advanced Motion Picture Editing

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

This course takes students through the more complex aspects of motion picture editing to gain a better understanding of compositing and effects for multimedia and animation.
Transfer Credit: CSU
ART 1953.0 UNITS
3D Modeling for Animation

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

This is the first course in the animation major sequence. It serves as an introduction to 3D computer animation, which adopts basic techniques developed in traditional model making and sculpture and applies those procedures to a virtual 3D environment. Emphasis will be placed on fundamental principles beginning with "Primitives" through intermediate approaches using "SubPatches." Other essential topics included are composition, surfacing, lighting, and rendering techniques.
Transfer Credit: CSU
Advanced 3D Modeling

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

Prerequisite: ART 195 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass".
This is the second course in the 3D Modeling sequence. It serves as a continuation of 3D computer modeling for animation, adopts the techniques developed in 3D model making, and applies those procedures to a desktop 3D printed environment. Emphasis will be placed on advanced modeling techniques beginning with "Boolean and Organic Modeling" and developing models for 3D printing using a variety of tools and techniques. Other essential topics included are slicing a 3D model, controlling a 3D printer, and material considerations.
Transfer Credit: CSU
ART 1963.0 UNITS
Web Design with Flash and Dreamweaver

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

Recommendation: CIS 205 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass".
The course introduces students to the principles and design skills essential to designing web pages. The students will use web page creation software and the tools they provide to create full-featured-interactive web sites.
Transfer Credit: CSU
ART 1983.0 UNITS
Motion Graphics and Post-Production Effects

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

This course addresses the process of communication through typographic animation and visual effects. Emphasis is placed on creating emotional expression and identity through composites of video and text. Topics include the combination of on-screen text and imagery in feature films, broadcast applications, video poetry, and fine art videos.
Transfer Credit: CSU
ART 2003.0 UNITS
Special Topics in Visual and Cultural Studies

Class Hours: 3.0 Lecture
Total Contact Hours: 54 Lecture

Recommendation: Courses taught at the level of Introduction to College Composition with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass" or equivalent or appropriate placement based on the college’s multiple measures process with eligibility for ENG 100 or ENGL 100S AND a course at the level of college reading.
This course will expand on subjects and themes introduced into the core visual and cultural studies offerings. Each topic will focus on themes, perspectives, and issues of special interest to students. The specific focus of a particular offering will be decided by the course instructor and announced in the schedule of classes. This course is not open to students who are enrolled in or who have received credit in HUM 200.
Transfer Credit: CSU
ART 2073.0 UNITS
Women and Media

Class Hours: 3.0 Lecture
Total Contact Hours: 54 Lecture

Recommendation: A course at the level of college reading.
Prerequisite: Courses taught at the level of Introduction to College Composition with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass" or equivalent or appropriate placement based on the college’s multiple measures process with eligibility for ENG 100 or ENGL 100S. "Women and Media" explores and analyzes current and historical female representation in media; and uses feminist, gender, and queer theory, criticism, and history to understand how popular culture shapes identity and representation of the female gender. The intersection of race, social class, ethnicity, religion, disability, sub-cultures, and sexual orientation will be analyzed, along with the social and political movements that inform and assist the construction of these images in a global context. This course is not open to students who are currently enrolled in or completed WS 207 or WGS 207.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
ART 2133.0 UNITS
Intermediate Life Drawing

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

Prerequisite: ART 112 or equivalent with a grade of Credit or "C" or higher. Student must be at least 18 years of age or have parental consent in order to take this course.
In this course students continue the process of learning to draw the human figure from observation of a live model. Students practice exploring the rhythm and design inherent in the human figure, seeing and understanding the space a form occupies, understanding the kinesthetics of anatomy, and learning the economy of good drawing technique. This course introduces the history and evolution of drawing as an art form and contemporary purposes in figure drawing are discussed in slide lectures and demonstrations. Students learn Modernist approaches to drawing the human figure, including Impressionism, Expressionism, Symbolism, Surrealism and Abstraction. These are introduced to students as they develop their individual approaches to creating narrative figure drawings.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
ART 2143.0 UNITS
Special Studies In Life Drawing

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

Prerequisite: ART 213 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass".
This course offers advanced work in figure drawing. Emphasis is placed on students' development of personal styles. The pictorial space of the drawing is given the same importance as in a painting, and the student seeks to elevate the classroom sketch to a complete and effective work of art. The course considers the relationship between the students' intentions in drawing their work in other media, such as painting or sculpture. Focus is placed on the personal and creative aspects of drawing, how and what a drawing communicates, developing an advanced technique, and using more professional materials.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
Advanced Screenprinting/Advanced Etching Lab

Class Hours: 3.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 54 Laboratory

Prerequisite: ART 218
This is a lab course intended to complement advanced courses in the Printmaking curriculum. It is designed to give practical experience in working with the techniques of relief printing, intaglio (etching, aquatint, drypoint, softground, viscosity, and photoetching), screen printing, collagraphy, embossing, and monotype, and integration of digital imagery in conjunction with the traditional printmaking techniques. The course will increase the skill and creative output of the student in areas of his/her choice.
Transfer Credit: CSU
ART 2183.0 UNITS

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

Prerequisite: ART 117 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass".
This course emphasizes advanced practice, technique, and historical knowledge of screenprinting as a fine art medium. An important feature of the course will be the study of the materials, stencils, films, blockouts, photomechanical processes, and inks of the screenprinting process Photographic and digital image-making techniques related to photoscreenprinting will be studied and applied further, including use of the enlarger, stat camera, digital camera, flatbed scanner, and slide scanner. Instruction will cover serigraphic flatbed printing as well as use of the rotary press for textile printing. Students will be required to complete particular aesthetic and technical assignments through their prints.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
ART 2193.0 UNITS
Advanced Etching

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

Prerequisite: ART 117 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass".
This course is designed to explore the artistic possibilities and various techniques of advanced etching, including grounds, aquatints, photoetching, multiple plate color etching, viscosity printing, collagraphy, and embossing. Related digital imaging and photographic techniques will be presented for integration into the etching process. Students will be required to deal with particular aesthetic issues and techniques.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
ART 2313.0 UNITS
Intermediate Painting

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

Prerequisite: ART 130B or equivalent with a grade of Credit or "C" or higher.
This course is designed for students to develop a deeper understanding of painting through its history, theories, and creative purposes: develop students' ability to solve technical and conceptual issues related to painting through lectures, discussions, and studio work; and discover, articulate, and develop their own artistic identity and style. Evaluation of their works and technical assistance is given on an individual basis. Emphasis is placed on the students' progression from idea to technical means and visual accomplishment. Students are encouraged to develop their own painting projects throughout the course, which are presented in a portfolio of their work.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
ART 2323.0 UNITS
Portraiture: Drawing/Painting the Head

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

Prerequisite: ART 112 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass".
This course is an introduction to portraiture: its techniques, history, and social uses. Many genres of portraiture will be surveyed to analyze how they give expression to cultural and societal values. Formal portraiture, character stereotypes, images from popular culture, African and Asian masks, the face of the nude, expressionistic psychological portraiture, commercial portrait styles, and the self-portrait, all will be discussed and explored. Live models will pose.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
ART 2523.0 UNITS
Ceramics-Form and Technique

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

Prerequisite: ART 151 or ART 152
This course continues the exploration and development of forms and techniques encountered in ART 151 and ART 152. The student is expected to determine some of the projects for the semester’s work.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
ART 2533.0 UNITS
Ceramics-Form and Content

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

Prerequisite: ART 252 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass".
This course is designed for individualized study by the ceramist with at least three semesters of prior experience at the college level. Students will be expected to write a proposal for work to be accomplished during the semester. Clay technology and kiln firing technique will be introduced.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
ART 2843.0 UNITS
Graphic Design II

Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture / 4.0 Laboratory
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture / 72 Laboratory

Prerequisite: ART 184 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass".
Continued studies in the theories, techniques, and practices of graphic design for visual communications are undertaken. Emphasis is on more advanced techniques and studies of problems in visual communications. Design solutions will be taken from the initial concept through refinement to camera-ready art for print production. Students acquire expertise in the use of process cameras, phototypesetters, and additional equipment.
Transfer Credit: CSU
ART 2981.0 UNITS
Directed Studies
A course to provide opportunity for individual research and field projects under the direction of a faculty member in a given department. With the guidance of the faculty member, students prepare and carry out a written learning agreement describing the purposes and outcomes of the project. Students should expect to meet with the supervising faculty member one to two hours each week for conferences. Credit is based upon the number of hours in the semester expected to complete the project (1 unit for 54 hours). This course may be taken a maximum of 2 times. For selected disciplines, UC transfer credit may be possible after admission to a UC campus, pending review of appropriate course materials by UC staff. See a counselor for an explanation.
Transfer Credit: CSU
ART 2992.0 UNITS
Directed Studies
A course to provide opportunity for individual research and field projects under the direction of a faculty member in a given department. With the guidance of the faculty member, students prepare and carry out a written learning agreement describing the purposes and outcomes of the project. Students should expect to meet with the supervising faculty member one to two hours each week for conferences. Credit is based upon the number of hours in the semester expected to complete the project (2 units for 108 hours). This course may be taken a maximum of 2 times. For selected disciplines, UC transfer credit may be possible after admission to a UC campus, pending review of appropriate course materials by UC staff. See a counselor for an explanation.
Transfer Credit: CSU