Academic Catalog

General Education

Associate Degree Graduation Requirements

The California Community College Board of Governors has authorized the Cerritos College Board of Trustees to confer the Associate degree. A candidate does not automatically receive the Associate degree upon completion of unit and course requirements, but is required to file a petition for the degree.

College education is usually thought of as consisting of two parts: specialized education and general education. Specialized education is that which prepares the student for vocational competence or for scholastic attainment in a particular field. This the student accomplishes through the department major.

General education, on the other hand, is that which meets the common goals of all students for personal enrichment and cultural development. Work in this area helps the student increase individual ability as a citizen and improve community, home, and family living.

Although courses may be designed with one or the other of these purposes as the primary gain, all courses are presented with the values of general education in mind. College education then becomes the sum total of all the student’s experience in college, and the student’s education may be completed in both these areas and be granted the degree of Associate degree.

Statement of Philosophy for General Education Coursework

Cerritos College offers an array of general education coursework to students so that they may learn concepts and methods of inquiry that have breadth, depth and relevance to their lives. The general education curriculum includes coursework from the liberal arts, humanities, science, mathematics, arts and social sciences disciplines. Possession of knowledge from these disciplines will contribute to personal growth, professional development and citizenship by increasing students’ awareness of the past and present and by developing their creative, adaptive and critical thinking abilities. The general education curriculum will provide students with opportunities to:

  • Develop a lifestyle that will enhance physical and mental health and wellness
  • Develop logical and cogent arguments, reaching conclusions that are based on comprehensive inquiry
  • Adapt and apply technology to facilitate the acquisition and effective use of information
  • Communicate clearly and proficiently through both oral and written expression
  • Enhance the appreciation of artistic offerings
  • Become informed citizens and problem-solvers to deal with current and future societal issues
  • Appreciate the contributions of different cultures, eras, and traditions to the human experience
  • Develop an appreciation for the value of ethics, integrity, honesty, self-management, and the welfare of others
  • Requirements for the Associate of Arts Degree

Requirements for the Associate in Arts Degree

Scholarship & Residence

  1. A student must complete 60 units of degree applicable work with an overall grade point average of “C” or higher (2.0) in all courses.
  2. A student must achieve a grade of Pass, or “C”, or higher in each course to be counted for the major. Courses completed for a Certificate of Achievement that are also to fulfill requirements for the major in an A.A. degree must be completed with a grade of Pass, or “C”, or higher.
  3. A minimum of 12 units of degree applicable work must be completed at Cerritos College, to meet the residence requirement.
  4. A student may earn multiple Associate Degrees by completing the major requirements for each degree, the appropriate general education for each major, achieve a Pass or “C” grade or better in each major course, a grade point average of “C” (2.0) or higher in all courses, and complete a minimum of 60 degree applicable units.

Petition for Associate Degree

  1. Responsibility for filing a petition for graduation rests with the student, and all transcripts for high school and prior college work attempted, including test scores, must be on file for the petition to be considered. The petition can be found on the Admissions & Records website or in the Admissions & Records Office.
  2. Students not in continuous attendance at Cerritos College must meet degree requirements for graduation in effect at the time of readmission.
  3. A student is considered in continuous attendance if he/she receives a grade (A, B, C, D, F, P, NP, I, or W) in any semester, fall or spring, during each academic year. Continuous attendance is not broken at Cerritos College if a student transfers to another accredited institution, maintains his/her continuous attendance at that institution, and returns to Cerritos College to complete his/her degree (Designated programs may require students to return to Cerritos College in good standing. Please check with the Counseling Center regarding these programs).
  4. Credit toward the Associate of Arts degree is not granted for non-degree applicable units or classes taken as part of the Adult Education Program.

Students with Baccalaureate Degrees

Those students who have been awarded a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university in the United States will be exempt from the Cerritos College general education breadth requirements and the proficiency requirements, should they pursue an Associate of Arts degree at this institution. Official transcripts from the degree granting institution must be submitted to the Admissions & Records Office for evaluation. Please see your counselor if additional information or clarification is desired.

Cerritos College Associate Degrees (AA/AS)

Requirements for the Associate degree at Cerritos College can be met in one of three different ways: Plan A, B, or C.

Plan A General Education is designed primarily for those students interested in preparing for a vocational career upon graduation. Plan A may also be used by university transfer students and for students in vocational majors who may possibly wish to transfer in the future. However, there are courses listed under Plan A that are not transferable for general education credit to the four-year universities. Therefore, students wishing to use this option should see a Cerritos College counselor for advice in selecting the A.A. General Education plan that in combination with a major will best match their educational and career goals. Please see the Plan A degree description page for further details.

Plan B General Education is designed primarily for students who will transfer to a California State University (CSU) campus and are not interested in attending a University of California campus. Students may use this plan to combine completion of both the Associate of Arts general education requirements, with one caveat, and the California State University (CSU) General Education Certification pattern. Students should see a counselor for advice on selecting the A.A. General Education plan that in combination with a major will best match their educational and career goals. Please see the Plan B degree description page for further details.

Plan C General Education is designed primarily for students who intend to transfer to the University of California (UC), or who are undecided between transferring to the University of California or the California State University. Students may use this plan to combine completion of both the A.A. degree general education requirements and the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) requirements. Plan C may not be recommended for some majors at certain CSU or UC campuses. Please see the Plan C description page for further details.

The significant differences between Plan A, Plan B, and Plan C are:

Plan A requires the completion of a minimum of 18 units of identified general education courses and requirements and a minimum of 18 units of specified “major” courses, proficiency requirements and electives, if necessary, to total a minimum of 60 degree applicable units.

Plan B requires a minimum of 39 units of identified CSU general education courses and requirements plus specified lower-division major preparation, the health and wellness proficiency requirement, and elective courses, if necessary, for a minimum of 60 degree applicable units.

If a student only wishes to transfer at an upper division level and is not seeking an A.A. degree, a minimum of 60 CSU transferable units is required (See transfer requirements for CSU and your counselor).

Plan C requires a minimum of 34 (UC) or 37 (CSU) units of identified general education courses and requirements plus specified lower-division major preparation courses, the health and wellness proficiency requirement, and electives, if necessary, to total a minimum of 60 degree applicable units

If a student only wishes to transfer at an upper division level and is not seeking an A.A. degree, a minimum of 60 UC transferable units is required (See IGETC, UC transfer requirements, and your counselor).

There are important differences among the three plans. In order to select the plan that best meets each individual’s A.A. and transfer goals, students should see a Cerritos College counselor.