Access Learning (ACLR)
Introduction to Universal Design for Learning
Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture
Students will be introduced to the history and principles of Universal Design, the broad range of human abilities, and numerous real-world examples of designs that satisfy the principles. By the end of the course, students should have an appreciation for the diversity of the human race and be able to recognize universal design, as well as unnecessary obstacles that may be designed into products and environments when usability is not considered. This course is designed for students with learning, physical, communicative, or other disabilities, as well as for those who want to enhance their understanding of universal design principles to apply to teaching and learning environments.
Using Scan-Read Technology in UDL
Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture
Recommendation: Completion of DSPS 86 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass".
This course is designed to teach the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) using scan-and-read programs to facilitate the development of collegiate reading and writing skills. The assistive technology is used as a way to close the achievement gap between students with disabilities and their non-disabled peers. Students will learn to customize the software to assist all students' needs and learning preferences. This course is appropriate for students with learning, physical, communicative, or other disabilities, as well as for students who want to enhance their learning skills by incorporating the principles of universal design to assistive technology scan and read software.
Using Voice Recognition Technology in UDL
Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture
Recommendation: Completion of ACLR 86 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass".
This course is designed to teach the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) using voice recognition software, such as Dragon Naturally Speaking, to facilitate the development of collegiate reading and writing skills. The technology is used as a way to close the achievement gap between students with disabilities and their non-disabled peers. The voice recognition software can be customized to assist all students' needs and learning preferences. This course is appropriate for students with learning, physical, communicative, or other disabilities, as well as for students who want to enhance their learning through incorporating the universal design principles using assistive technology.
Building Perceptual Reasoning Skills in UDL
Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture
Recommendation: Completion of ACLR 86 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass".
This course is designed to teach the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) using assistive technology programs to facilitate the development of perceptual reasoning and critical thinking skills. The technology is used as a way to close the achievement gap between students with disabilities and their non-disabled peers. Students will learn to customize the software according to their unique needs and learning preferences. This course is appropriate for students with learning, physical, communicative, or other disabilities as well as for those who want to gain skills and enthusiasm for teaching and learning by incorporating the UDL principles through technology targeted toward building perceptual reasoning skills.
Orientation for the Student with Disabilities
Class Hours: 1.0 Lecture
Total Contact Hours: 18 Lecture
This course is designed to orient the disabled student to the varied programs and services offered by Cerritos College. An IEP/learning contract will be developed for each student who enrolls in this course. Emphasis is on assisting the disabled student to successfully integrate into all aspects of the college.
Career Exploration for the Student with Disabilities
Class Hours: 1.0 Lecture
Total Contact Hours: 18 Lecture
This course is designed to assist the disabled student in the process of developing goals for future employment. An Individual Educational Plan (IEP)/learning contract will be developed for each student who enrolls in this course. Emphasis is upon exploring career choices, assessment of interests, and the development of employment seeking skills.
Communication Skills Building for Students with Disabilities
Class Hours: 1.0 Lecture
Total Contact Hours: 18 Lecture
This course will provide strategies and effective interventions for students with communication disorders to advance their speech and language skills. Students will work towards personalized goals and objectives designed to support effective communication in relevant settings to the student.
Increasing Your Access Potential
Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture
Recommendation: Courses taught at the level of Introduction to College Composition with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass" or equivalent or appropriate placement based on the college’s multiple measures process with eligibility for ENG 100 or ENGL 100S.
This course will provide students with the knowledge and skills to understand the concepts of Emotional Intelligence (e.g. self-awareness, self-monitoring, social awareness and social monitoring), Executive Functioning (e.g. time management, study skills, goal setting, etc.) and a Growth Mindset. Students will learn how to apply these concepts as support seeking behaviors to promote academic integration and academic success within the college community. Students will also learn about various student supports available in Student Accessibility Services as well as the campus at large. Each student will interactively participate in the production of a comprehensive educational plan aligned with a selected educational goal.
Transfer Credit: CSU
Increasing Your Workforce Potential
Class Hours: 2.0 Lecture
Total Contact Hours: 36 Lecture
Prerequisite: Courses taught at the level of Introduction to College Composition with a grade of “C” or higher or “Pass” or equivalent or appropriate placement based on the college’s multiple measures process with eligibility for ENG 100 or ENGL 100S.
This course will provide students with the knowledge and skills to understand the concepts of career exploration, disability workforce navigation, accessing workplace accommodations, self-advocacy, gender inequities in the workplace, intersectionality, and overall workforce preparation. In addition, each student will interactively participate in a Mock Interview and the production of a comprehensive educational plan aligned with a selected educational goal and corresponding Learning Career Pathway.
Transfer Credit: CSU