Academic Catalog

Architectural Practice (CERT)

Department website:


The Architectural Practice Certificate prepares students to work in the industry and to upgrade the skills of persons presently employed in the industry. This 16-17 unit certificate will train students in the fundamentals of Architectural Practice utilized in industry.

Program Student Learning Outcomes

  • Students explain the requirements to transfer to a university professional program in Architecture or related Environmental Design field.
  •  Students identify notable architects, design concepts and significant buildings in architecture.
  •  Students identify the historical and contemporary role of architects in the development of the built environment.
  •  Students explain the fundamentals of sustainable environmental design practices.
  •  Students utilize the creative design process to graphically/verbally communicate design ideas and concepts.
  •  Students describe the role and purpose of building codes and other legal requirements that protect the public’s health, safety and welfare.

Program Requirements

Code Number Course Title Units
Required Courses
ARCH 111Architectural Drafting and Design I3.0
ARCH 123Introduction to 2D Computer Aided Drafting4.0
ARCH 212Architectural Design Theory I3.0
Select two of the following:6.0-7.0
Introduction to Architecture and Environmental Design (3)
History of Architecture (3)
Building Codes (4)
Green Architecture and LEED (3)
Total Units16-17