Academic Catalog

Exercise Science: Athletic Trainer Aide (A.A.)

Department website:


The Exercise Science Associate of Arts Degree with an emphasis in Athletic Trainer Aide is designed to prepare students to work in a clinical setting or in an athletic training facility as an aide, while being exposed to various Kinesiology subdisciplines and general education.

Program Student Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate the selection, conduction, and interpretation of fitness assessments and health risk appraisals, and use findings to develop appropriate individualized exercise prescriptions.
  • Identify major muscles and their actions, tissue properties, and understanding of chemical and cellular basis of physiology especially how it applies to tissue healing and the energy systems.
  • Display proficiency in basic emergency procedures, emergency action plans for specific venues/situation, and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.
  • Prevent, evaluate, and proper application of immobilization, protection, and taping techniques for common athletic injuries.
  • Illustrate the ability to apply and communicate appropriate knowledge in the work environment and utilize professional and medical terminology when describing human anatomy, physiology, injuries, and rehabilitation.

Program Requirements

Code Number Course Title Units
Department Requirements
KIN 102Introduction to Athletic Training3.0
KIN 104Fitness and Wellness3.0
KIN 110Community First Aid and CPR3.0
or HED 110 Community First Aid and CPR
KIN 202Measurement and Interpretation of Fitness3.0
KIN 203Programs and Principles of Conditioning3.0
KIN 205Anatomical Movement Analysis3.0
KIN 206ALower Extremity Injury Assessment and Reconditioning2.0
KIN 206BUpper Extremity Injury Assessment and Reconditioning2.0
KIN 207Athletic Injury Taping, Bandaging and Immobilization1.0
KIN 271AWork Experience Athletic Training1.0
MA 161Medical Terminology3.0
Select at least 3 units of the following:3.0
Adapted Cardiovascular Exercises (1)
Adapted Strength Training (1)
Aerobic Activities (1.5)
Basic Training and Physical Conditioning (1)
Personal Fitness Program (1)
Body Sculpting (1)
Stretching and Relaxation (1)
Walking for Fitness (1)
Jogging for Fitness, Beginning (1)
Circuit Weight Training, Beginning (1)
Yoga (1)
Pilates Conditioning (1)
Jogging for Fitness, Intermediate (2)
Circuit Weight Training, Intermediate/Advanced (2)
Total Units30

(For additional options please see the list of PEX Activity Courses meeting the Health and Wellness Proficiency for the Associate of Arts Degree)


  1. Complete the major requirements for the Exercise Science:
  2. Fitness Specialist AA Degree
  3. Complete the general education and electives to achieve a minimum of 60 units.