Academic Catalog

California Real Estate (CERT)

Department website:


 The California Real Estate Certificate is currently awarded by those community colleges in California which offer courses in Real Estate. Cerritos College participates in this Statewide program and awards the California Real Estate Certificate to any day, evening or distance education student who completes this prescribed program. A student may complete only those courses required for the California Real Estate Certificate since this is awarded independently of the Associate of Arts degree. However, students who complete the full course of study leading to that degree will automatically have completed the requirements for and will be awarded the California Real Estate Certificate. Training for the Certificate is designed so that those seeking entry employment may prepare themselves to take the State licensing examination for real estate salespersons, and so that those already employed in various branches of real estate work may gain further knowledge and develop additional competence.

Program Student Learning Outcomes

  • Students demonstrate test-taking skills in preparation for the state license exam.
  • Students analyze transactional needs of a client and select transactional forms used for that real estate activity.
  • Students create a property management file containing an advertisement, the application to rent, and the rental agreement.
  • Students differentiate among the three methods of appraisal.
  • Students demonstrate effective scientific documentation, safety, communication and appropriate collaboration.

Program Requirements

Code Number Course Title Units
State Requirements
RE 101Real Estate Principles3.0
RE 120Real Estate Finance3.0
RE 125Legal Aspects of Real Estate3.0
RE 130Real Estate Practice3.0
RE 131Real Estate Appraisal3.0
RE 160Real Estate Economics3.0
Electives: Select a minimum of 6 units from the following courses6.0-7.5
Business Law (3)
Introduction to Accounting (3)
Fundamentals of Accounting I (3.5)
Computer Applications in Real Estate (3)
Mortgage Loan Brokering and Lending (3)
Real Estate Work Experience/Career Internship (3-4)
Real Estate Work Experience/Career Internship
Total Units24-25.5

Notes: Please see Business Counselors or the respective department chairperson for additional alternatives.

Real Estate License Requirements

  1. Salesperson’s License: Under the provisions of AB 2429, original salesperson examination applicants will be required to submit evidence of completion of a three-semester, or quarter unit equivalent, college-level course in Real Estate Principles, Real Estate Practice and one additional course which should be chosen from the following list of courses:

    i. Legal Aspects of Real Estate
    ii. Real Estate Office Administration
    iii. Introduction to Real Estate Appraisal
    iv. Real Estate Finance v. Property Management
    v. Fundamentals of Escrow
    vi. Mortgage Loan Brokering and Lending
    vii. Real Estate Economics
    x. Business Law
    xi. Introduction to Accounting

The Department of Real Estate (DRE) will implement AB 2429 as follows:

1. Salesperson examination applications are valid for a two-year period. Original salesperson examination applications post marked or submitted in person to the DRE, that contain an acknowledgment that the applicant is enrolled in or has completed a Real Estate Principles course, Real Estate Practice course, and one other approved DRE course found on the Department’s website

2. Examination applications that contain proper verification that the applicant has completed all three required courses will be entitled to take the examination and apply for a four-year license upon the successful completion of the salesperson examination.

3. Broker’s License: Applicants for a Broker’s License must have completed eight 3-unit college-level courses in addition to the experience requirement*. These courses must include the following five courses:

  1. Real Estate Practice—Legal Aspects of Real Estate
  2. Real Estate Appraisal—Real Estate Economics or Accounting
  3. Real Estate Finance

The remaining 3 courses are to be selected from the following:

  1.  Real Estate Office Administration—Advanced Legal Aspects of Real Estate
  2. Advanced Real Estate Appraisal—Practices of Escrow
  3. Real Estate Principles—Business Law
  4. Property Management—Fundamentals of Escrow
  5. Computer Applications in Real Estate — Mortgage Loan Brokering and Lending

Note:  If an applicant completes both Accounting and Real Estate Economics, only two additional courses are required.


Experience requirement is fulfilled by any one of the following:

  1. Two years full-time as a real estate salesperson;
  2. Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university; or
  3. Two years employment in related industries such as escrow offices, banks, savings and loans, or building industries.

Real Estate Scholarships are available:

Please see a Real Estate department chairperson or a Business Counselor for more information.