Academic Catalog

Composite Inspection (CERT)

Department website:


The Certificate of Achievement in Composite Inspection allows the student to learn basic composite fabrication, processing, dimensioning, tolerancing, testing, measuring, and computer assisted inspecting, in the MTT and ENGT departments. The student is able to benefit from the cooperation of those three departments to get the best possible knowledge of composite inspection. Students who complete this certificate are well positioned for both composite and plastic projects inspection.

Program Student Learning Outcomes

  • Student demonstrate safe work habits around plastics machinery.
  • Student utilize non-destructive procedures to inspect the quality of a manufactured part.
  • Students communicate clear technical instructions.
  • Students differentiate between the various types of plastic.
  • Students identify by visual inspection the quality of a manufactured part.
  • Students use percentages to mix resigns, fillers, and colors.
  • Students use physical testing to validate the strength of a manufactured part.
  • Students utilize ratios and fractions to mix materials.

Program Requirements

Code Number Course Title Units
Required Courses
ENGT 111Plastics Technology3.0
ENGT 116Blueprint Reading and Production4.0
ENGT 117Geometrical Dimensioning and Tolerancing and Model Based Definition4.0
ENGT 209Plastics Injection Molding I3.0-4.5
or ENGT 250 Fiberglass and Vacuum Infusion Process Technology
or ENGT 251 Composites Fabrication and Tooling
MTT 131Geometric Tolerance Inspection using Verisurf3.0
Total Units17-18.5