Academic Catalog

Art and Design: Drawing and Painting (A.A.)

Department website:


The Painting and Drawing Program at Cerritos College prepares students with a foundation in the elements and principles of composition. These fundamental courses prepare students with the soft skills needed to succeed in every aspect of the creative workforce. These courses teach the creative process through project-based experiences that have historical and contemporary relevance. Studio courses combine creative process, critical analysis and technical development to deepen students understanding of their creative practice.

Program Student Learning Outcomes

  • Students demonstrate the knowledge of design principles and use of materials within their original drawing and painting compositions.
  • Students demonstrate accurate observational skills and apply them to their original drawings and paintings.
  • Students develop an understanding of art history and how it has affected the evolution of classical and contemporary approaches to drawing and painting.
  • Students identify light logic, spatial relationships of objects and their environment and color theory as components to creating a drawing or painting.
  • Students present a portfolio of paintings that represents their knowledge of various painting techniques and defines their individual approach to communicating with imagery.

Program Requirements

Code Number Course Title Units
Required Foundational Courses
ART 102Art History II: Renaissance to Rococo3.0
or ART 103 Art History III: Neoclassical to Present
ART 110Freehand Drawing3.0
ART 112Life Drawing3.0
ART 120Two-Dimensional Design3.0
ART 121Three-Dimensional Design3.0
ART 130AFundamentals of Painting3.0
ART 130BFundamentals Of Painting3.0
ART 136Painting For Art Majors3.0
Total Units24


Complete 60 units to include: 1. the above core requirements, 2.the General Education requirements, and 3. electives as needed.