Academic Catalog

Automotive Collision Repair: General Automotive Collision Repair (A.S.)

Department website:


The General Automotive Collision Repair degree option prepares students for employment as an entry level technician. Through a combination of lecture and hands-on lab courses focusing on skills-based learning, students will explore vehicle construction techniques, attachment and refinish of outer panels accompanied with use of specialty equipment and hand tools found in automotive service and repair facilities. Core topics include automotive welding procedures, vehicle disassembly and assembly, outer panel attachment methods, plastic repair, small dent repair, tools, equipment, estimating and refinishing. Design, function and operation of these subjects is included in the degree. Graduates are employed as entry level technicians, estimators, refinish technicians, apprentice technicians or are self-employed.

Program Student Learning Outcomes

  • Students will analyze structural damage to crashed vehicles and develop appropriate repair plans to restore them to factory specifications.
  • Students will complete I-CAR Industry Certification training for ProLevel-1 certification.
  • Students will properly clean vehicles to be repaired and remove necessary moldings and trim for access.
  • Students will properly clean, prepare, block sand repaired areas, and mask vehicles for application of primers.

Program Requirements

Code Number Course Title Units
Required Core Courses
AB 151Non-Structural Repair4.5
AB 181Non-Structural Damage Estimating3.0
Required Electives
AB 154Advanced-Design Panel Repair4.5
AB 156Non-Structural Automotive Welding2.0
AB 161Preparation and Spot Refinishing3.0
AB 161LAutomotive Refinishing Lab1.5
Total Units18.5


Meet the Total Major Requirements, the General Education requirements for the Associate's Degree (Plan A), and electives, if necessary, to achieve a minimum of 60 degree-applicable units.

Recommended Electives

Code Number Course Title Units
Structural Automotive Welding
Overall And Multi-Coat Refinishing
Production Refinishing
Automotive Air Brush Painting
Mix and Adjusting Color
Lettering, Striping and Design
Automotive Custom Painting
Computerized Damage Estimating - Pathways
Computerized Damage Estimating-Ultramate
Non-Structural Damage Estimating
Structural Damage Estimating
Introduction to Automotive Claims Handling
Structural Damage Analysis for Estimators
Steering, Suspension and Powertrain Analysis for Estimators
Advanced-Frame Analysis for Estimators
Computerized Shop Management
Advanced Collision Repair Management
Advanced Automotive Claims