Academic Catalog

Theatre Arts: Acting or Technical (A.A.)

Department website:


The Theatre program provides students with a comprehensive foundation in acting, technical theatre and theatre history and practice. Upon completion, students may choose to pursue a variety of theatre and entertainment-related careers and advanced degree options. In addition, this degree may appeal to students who are interested in pursuing careers outside the Performing Arts such as Law, Business, Criminal Justice, and Psychology, as the communication, critical thinking, relational and problem-solving skills learned in the study of Theatre are applicable across a broad spectrum of professions.

Program Student Learning Outcomes

  • Students identify the stage acting areas.
  • Students participate in the process of "striking" a show.
  • Students evaluate all aspects of theatre as a participant
  • Students conduct themselves safely in a backstage environment.
  • Students integrate the technical aspects of a production into a play.
  • Students participate in the mounting of a college theatrical production.
  • Students recognize the importance of teamwork in working on theatrical production.
  • Students recognize the value and uniqueness of the actor-audience relationship.
  • Students recognize theatre as a collaborative form of art.

Program Requirements

Code Number Course Title Units
Major Requirements
TH 101Introduction to the Theatre3.0
TH 102History of the Classical Theatre3.0
TH 103History of the Modern Theatre3.0
TH 110Fundamentals of Acting3.5
TH 130Rehearsal and Performance for the Minor Role1.0
TH 131Rehearsal and Performance for the Supporting Role2.0
TH 132Rehearsal and Performance for the Leading Roles3.0
TH 133Stage Crew Activity1.0
TH 134Technical Production2.0
Select one of the following options:8.5-9.0
Option 1 - Acting
Intermediate Acting to Characterization (3.5)
Voice for Acting (2)
Stage Movement and Combat (3)
Option 2 - Technical
Theatre Stagecraft (3)
Costuming for the Stage (3)
Stage Lighting (3)
Select two of the following:6.0
Entertainment Technology Fundamentals (3)
Improvisation for the Theatre (3.5)
Intermediate Acting to Characterization (3.5)
Voice for Acting (2)
Stage Movement and Combat (3)
Theatre Stagecraft (3)
Stage Make-Up (3)
Touring Theatre Production for Supporting Roles (2)
Scene Study (3.5)
Costuming for the Stage (3)
Stage Lighting (3)
Introduction to Scenic Design (3)
Total Units36-36.5

Associate of Arts Degree Requirements

A minimum of 60 units must be completed to include:

  1. total major requirements
  2. General Education requirements, and
  3. electives as needed.