Academic Catalog

English (AA-T)

Department website:


The English department offers a variety of literature and creative writing classes that assist majors in completing seamless transfer to CSU, as well as in discovering an affinity for literary periods, genres, and authors that inspire specialized study in upper-division coursework upon transfer. Literature classes are offered in 2-year cycles, while creative writing classes are offered annually, ensuring that students have the opportunity to complete transfer requirements while aiding in their educational planning. As students complete their major and degree requirements, or as they add GE or humanities electives, they may select from one of three areas in literature study: survey classes (British, American, World, and Bible as literature), genre classes (novel, short fiction, poetry, drama, film), and classes in culture and diversity (including Asian American, African American, Native American, Chicano/a, Mexican Lit. in Translation, Literature of India, Women’s Lit., LGBT Lit, Children’s Lit., and Modern and Contemporary Lit.). Students may also pursue one of the Creative Writing Certificate as a means of expanding their writing skills and understanding of the stylistic and technical elements of writing and reading literature.

Program Student Learning Outcomes

  • Students analyze contributions of major authors to the development of various literary movements.
  • Students identify aesthetic and technical components of genres in literary works.
  • Students recognize and interpret the importance of literary periods and traditions.
  • Students write critical analyses of literary works, develop creative writing skills, and apply critical thinking to writing in academic disciplines.
  • Students identify and analyze prominent elements of culture as depicted in literary works.

Program Requirements

Code Number Course Title Units
Required Core
Select one of the following options:
Option 1 (7 units)7.0-4.0
Introduction to Literature (3)
Critical Thinking and Argumentative Writing (4)
Option 2 (4 units)
Critical Thinking Through Literature (4)
List A
Select two of the following:6.0
Introduction to American Literature (3)
Introduction to American Literature (3)
Survey of British Literature A: Anglo-Saxon to 18th Century (3)
Survey of English Literature B: Romantics to the Present (3)
Masterpieces of World Literature (3)
Masterpieces of World Literature (3)
List B
LIST B: Select courses based on option chosen in Required Core:3.0-6.0
Option 1: 3 units
Option 2: 6 units
Any List A course not already taken
Readings In Poetry (3)
Readings in the Novel (3)
Readings in Short Fiction (3)
Readings in the Drama (3)
Mexican Literature in Translation (3)
Shakespeare's Plays (3)
Creative Writing (3)
World Mythology as Literature (3)
List C
Select 3-5 units from the following:3.0-5.0
Any course from List A and B not already used, or any language course other than English which is articulated to fulfill CSU GE Area C, or IGETC Area 3B
Any CSU transferable English course
American Sign Language I (4)
American Sign Language II (4)
American Sign Language III (4)
American Sign Language IV (4)
Deaf Culture (3)
Elementary Chinese I (5)
Elementary Chinese II (5)
Intermediate Chinese I (5)
Intermediate Chinese II (5)
Chinese Culture and Society (3)
Oral Interpretation of Literature (3)
Introduction to Linguistics (3)
Literature in the Bible: Hebrew Scriptures (3)
Literature in the Bible: Christian Scriptures (3)
Children's Literature (3)
Chicana/Chicano Literature (3)
Native American Literature (3)
African-American Literature (3)
Modern and Contemporary Literature (3)
Literature and Film (3)
Studies in Women's Literature (3)
Asian American Literature (3)
Literature of India (3)
Screenwriting (3)
Writing Poetry (3)
Playwriting (3)
Writing Short Fiction (3)
Writing Creative Nonfiction (3)
LGBT Literature (3)
Elementary French (5)
Elementary French (5)
Intermediate French (5)
Intermediate French (4)
Intermediate French Advanced Level I (4)
Intermediate Conversational French (3)
Advanced Conversational French (3)
Romance Linguistics (3)
Elementary German (5)
Elementary German (5)
Intermediate German (4)
Intermediate German (4)
Elementary Japanese (5)
Elementary Japanese (5)
Intermediate Japanese (5)
Intermediate Japanese (4)
Elementary Spanish (5)
Elementary Spanish (5)
Elementary Spanish for Spanish Speakers (5)
Elementary Spanish for Spanish Speakers (5)
Intermediate Spanish (5)
Intermediate Spanish (4)
Highlights of Hispanic Culture
Introduction to Chicano/Mexican American Culture (3)
Frida Kahlo And Mexican Muralists (3)
Romance Linguistics (3)
Oral Interpretation of Literature (3)
The Art of Being Human (3)
Mass Communications and Society (3)
Beginning Newswriting and Reporting (3)
Introduction to the Theatre (3)
Total Units19-21


  • Completion of 60 semester units or 90 quarter units of degree-applicable courses,
  • Minimum overall grade point average of 2.0,
  • Minimum grade of “C” (or “P”) for each course in the major, and
  • Completion of IGETC and/or CSU GE-Breadth.